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“I know you’re using a false name. I couldn’t find anything about you up until eight months ago.”

“I suppose you want to know my real name. I’m surprised you hired me on, knowing that I was using a false name. Weren’t you worried I was a criminal or on the run?”

“Yes, I was. Which was why I dug deeper and discovered who you really are.”

“You know,” she whispered.

He nodded. “It’s my job to know. It’s my job to protect everyone I employ. Including you.”

“Does Hunter know?”

“No. I haven’t told anyone.”

She stared at him. “Why not?”

“Because I figured it was your story to tell. I was going to give you time to come clean. But now you’ve run out of time. You need to tell Hunter.”

Hunter returned then, stopping further conversation. A tall policeman entered a few minutes later. Cady gave the policeman her full name, there was no use hiding anymore. She saw Hunter’s frown of confusion and the look he sent to Gray, but the cop quickly began questioning her and she had to concentrate on her answers. Every so often she glanced over to where Hunter was standing, his arms crossed over his wide chest, his blue eyes practically arctic with his anger. Disapproval came off him in waves.

By the time the policeman left, Cady was feeling exhausted and her ankle was throbbing. The doctor came in with some crutches and a set of instructions she paid little attention to. Although she noticed Hunter nodding his head a few times.

“Well, it sounds like you’re going to be out of action for a while,” Gray said. “Stay at home for the next week. If your ankle is feeling better after that you can do some office work. Would you like a ride home?”

“I’ll take her home,” Hunter growled.

Gray just nodded and left. Cady couldn’t help but feel a bit like Little Red Riding Hood left to face the wolf all on her own.

“Hunter,” she began, but he held a hand up, cutting her off.

“Save it. I’m still too angry. We’ll talk about it later.


The ride home was quiet. Hunter could feel her staring at him, but he wanted to wait until they were at her apartment to talk. He’d managed to calm down considerably. He knew he was acting irrationally, but he’d been scared for her and once he’d heard the whole story from Josh, his fear had morphed into fury.

He needed to think through why he was so angry. He wasn’t mad at Josh for running after Doran with an injured shoulder, so why was he mad as hell that Cady kept going on a twisted ankle?

Sure, she’d disobeyed his order, but he also knew Gray was right. She’d been the one on the field, she’d made a decision. But she didn’t have the experience any of the other guys did. This was the first dangerous situation she’d been in. She should have listened to him.

And if she had, Josh might be dead.

He swallowed heavily, tightening his hands around the steering wheel.

Everything had worked out all right. This time. But that didn’t mean he was going to get over this anytime soon and he really didn’t want to examine why he was so angry. He was starting to think that hiring her had been a really stupid idea.

When they reached her apartment, he had to park halfway down the block. Climbing out, he walked around and opened her door. She swung her legs out, prepared to stand on her own when he scooped her up into his arms.

“I can walk.”

He just grunted and shut the door with his hip, before locking the truck with the keys he still held.

“What about the crutches?” she asked.

“I’ll get them later. Stay still.”

She was wriggling in his arms and he didn’t want her moving around while he negotiated the stairs to her apartment.

“It’s just a twisted ankle. I’d really rather walk.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic