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“Where is she?” a voice thundered from down the corridor.

She grimaced, recognizing the voice instantly.

“Sir, please keep your voice down. She’s in this cubicle.”

A harassed looking nurse swept her curtain aside and Hunter stepped through, his gaze instantly settling on her.

“I thought they only allowed family through,” Cady muttered.

“I told them I was your fiancé,” Hunter said, stepping toward her. He glanced down at her ankle.

“Where’s the doctor? What does he have to say? Have they taken an x-ray? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“I’m fine, just a few bruises and the doctor thinks I just twisted my ankle when I fell. I just had an x-ray. I’m waiting for the doctor to return and release me. How’s Josh? Is he okay?”

Hunter paced up and down the small cubicle as she watched him warily. She could see the tension in his shoulders.

“Josh is fine. He’s been stitched up and he’s finishing his statement to the police.”

“We caught the guy so why are you so angry?”

“You disobeyed a direct order.”

“I acted how I thought was best. You weren’t there, Hunter. Josh was injured; he was going after Leonard Doran. It was my job to back him up.”

“It’s your job to do what I say,” he said with alarming calm. His voice was cold, quiet and she didn’t like it. She’d rather he yelled at her.

“Just think about what would have happened if I hadn’t, Hunter. Josh could have died. He was my partner, I had to back him up.”

“Do the two of you really think this is the place for this conversation?” Gray asked as he stepped into the cubicle.

“I did what I thought was best at the time, I’m not going to apologize for that.” She swung her legs around, tired of being yelled at. The icepack slipped onto the floor.

“Don’t even think about it,” Hunter growled, pointing at her. “Sit back up.”

Hunter crouched and picked up the icepack, putting it back on her ankle. He scowled at the bruising.

“What were you thinking, chasing him with a busted ankle? You could have made your injury worse.”

“Josh was injured. Leonard was on the run. It all worked out in the end. I don’t know why you’re so angry.”

“I’m angry because you should have listened to me. Because once you hurt yourself you should have stopped and waited for back-up.”

“And Josh might have died.”

“Both of you give it a rest,” Gray ordered, capturing their attention. “The police are about ten minutes away. So let’s get this sorted out. Hunter, she’s right. You weren’t there and you need to trust her enough to make calls on the fly.”

She sighed, relaxing slightly, glad to have someone on her side.

“And you,” Gray turned to her, pointing his finger at her, “should not have kept going while you were injured. Yes, helped Josh out of a dangerous situation, but with your injured ankle you could have been a liability rather than a help. Hunter, why don’t you go and see about getting us some waters before the cops get here. Cady is probably thirsty.”

“I am. Thanks.”

Hunter gave them both a hard look but then he turned and left without speaking.

“I’m a very cautious man, Cady,” Gray said, sitting on a chair beside her bed. “I don’t like surprises or being caught off-guard. Which is why I do extensive backgrounds on anyone before employing them.”

She stiffened.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic