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“Yeah, I’m sure she’d be happy to help. And I don’t see how I’m any safer here than I would be at your shop, as long as the doors remained locked.”

“I’d love to have your help, but only if you’re sure it’s safe.”

Lila bit her lip. “Let me see what I can do.”


It had taken a lot of begging, yelling and—she was ashamed to admit it—sulking, before her men agreed to let her go help Laken set up her shop. Of course there were a number of rules she had to promise to follow first before they would even let her out of the house.

But she’d follow whatever rules they wanted as long as she got to get out of the house. She bounced up and down in excitement as Trace drove her into town.

“Poor baby, it’s been so hard of you, being on lockdown, hasn’t it?” he said sympathetically.

Lila nodded. “A whole month and nothing, I really think she’s given up.”

“I hope so,” he said as he pulled up outside the shop Laken had rented. Coming around, he opened her door and helped her down. “But that doesn’t mean you can relax your guard. Remember the rules.”

“I know, no going anywhere. Doors must remain locked. I have to stay with Laken or Savi at all times and you will pick me up at four.”

“Good girl.” Leaning down, he gave her a kiss then knocked on the front door. Laken opened it with a squeal and threw her arms around Lila.

“Make sure this door remains locked,” Trace told them all sternly. All three girls nodded solemnly and locked the door behind him, giggling as they got to work.

They worked hard all day, cleaning the place and unpacking boxes. At three o’clock they sat back and looked at what they had achieved.

“Thanks so much you guys,” Laken said. “I couldn’t have done all this without you.”

Lila and Savi smiled and squeezed her hands.

“I’ll get to work on the website tomorrow,” Savi promised. “I’ve got flyers ready to go, but we’ll need signage too.”

“And I’ll be back tomorrow to help you do a display,” Lila said.

“You’re the best friends I could ask for. But since this is our first day I think we deserve a little celebration, what do you think? I have some bubbly upstairs, let me go get it and we’ll have a congratulatory drink.” Laken stood and ran off.

Savi groaned. “I don’t know where she finds her energy. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Ahh, crap,” she said, trying to rise off the chair she was sitting in. “I forgot the flyers I’m meant to deliver tomorrow, they’re out the back.”

Lila shook her head. “Stay there, you’re tuckered out. I’ll get them.”

Savi sat back with a sigh, closing her eyes. “Thanks. They’re in a white box by the door.”

Humming to herself, Lila walked into the back, frowning at the thin stream of sunshine coming in the open back door. Laken must have forgotten to shut it when she went upstairs. Walking towards it, she froze in shock as someone moved to her right.

“Sara,” she said, standing very still as the other woman walked towards her, an evil smile on her lips and a small handgun in her hand. “What are you doing here?”

“I think that’s fairly obvious. You wouldn’t listen to my warning, so I’m here to take care of you and get my man out of your clutches.”

“Colin is not your man. And he never will be.” Lila needed to get Sara out of here before Savi and Laken got involved.

“What the hell is going on?” Laken asked as she stepped through the doorway, holding a bottle of wine and some glasses.

Sara turned towards Laken, momentarily distracted.

“Laken, down!” Lila screamed as she dived for Sara. The gun flew from Sara’s hand as both women landed heavily on the concrete floor. Lila lay there, trying to catch her breath. Sara let out a scream of fury and, rolling, threw herself on top of Lila. She was larger and stronger, but Lila wasn’t daunted.

Sara went straight for her hair, pulling it strongly before landing a punch to Lila’s face. Lila gasped in pain, trying to fight her way free, clawing, scratching, kicking.

Suddenly Sara was shoved away from her and Lila looked up to see Laken standing over the other woman, her chest heaving.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic