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Damn him, why couldn’t he be just a normal man and jump at the chance of sex? She grinned wryly. “You’re right. But it’s so hard not to touch you guys.”

“No one said you couldn’t touch us,” Colin replied. “Just be gentle.” He reached down with a pained look to adjust himself. “What are you planning on doing today?” he asked.

“I think I’ll go for a ride,” she replied. She pushed her eggs around on her plate, not really feeling hungry.

“I don’t think so,” Gavin said as he finished off a huge plate of ham, eggs and potatoes. Gavin was an amazing cook, but Colin was the King of breakfasts.

“Why not?” she asked with a puzzled frown. She’d been for a few rides since she’d been back, riding her old horse, Sunshine. Clay had bought her Sunshine on her twelfth birthday. The boys nearly had a fit when they’d seen the size of him. Lila had fallen instantly in love with the grumpy horse. Sure, the stallion was far bigger than she was, but she was the more stubborn of the two. And she soon won the horse over.

It had taken a while for the guys to relax, though. Now that she thought about it, one of them had constantly followed her around every time she went for a ride for the first month. At the time she’d been annoyed, believing they didn’t think she was good enough to ride Sunshine. Now she realized they’d simply been scared.

“Because you’re all tuckered out,” Gavin told her, running his hand over her head.

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Colin brushed his thumbs under her eyes. “You have dark circles under your eyes. Didn’t you sleep last night?”

She shrugged. “Not really. I kept having funny dreams.”

“Want to talk about them?” Trace asked with concern as he rose to place his plate in the dishwasher.

Lila shook her head. She just wasn’t comfortable sharing some things yet.

“I want you to get some rest today, baby.” Gavin ran his hand down her back.

“I’ll rest this afternoon. After I get back from my ride,” she said firmly, ignoring the three frowning faces that stared back at her. She wasn’t about to let them just take over her life and they needed to realize that.

“All right, but be back by lunch,” Gavin bossed. “Make sure you take some water with you as well, it’s a hot day out there and you’ll dehydrate. And take your phone.”

They’d been horrified that she’d lost her phone. Not that she’d been able to afford to keep paying for it, anyway. Gavin had gone out and bought her a new phone and, despite her protests, was paying the bill for it. She really needed to get a job. Especially if she was staying.

Lila barely refrained from rolling her eyes, but she couldn’t help the mocking salute. “Sir, yes, Sir.”

Gavin narrowed his eyes but she saw his lips twitched. “When did you become such a smart ass?”

“I learned it all from Colin,” she answered quickly.

Colin leaned back, holding his hands up in a placating gesture, although his eyes danced with amusement. “Hey, I have no idea what she’s talking about.”

Gavin just shook his head as he got up and placed his plate in the sink.

“Is there something wrong with your food?” Colin asked.

“Oh, no, sorry. It’s very nice. I’m just not hungry.”

“You need to eat something before you ride out, honey,” Trace said, kissing her on the forehead. As she raised her face up, he took her lips. Gently at first then he slipped his tongue in, teasing her, tasting her.

When he pulled back, she was dazed, shivering with excitement.

“Eat something. I’ll see you at lunch.” With a final caress of her shoulder, he left.

Gavin moved over to her and, lifting her to her feet, cuddled her close before leaning down to brush her lips with his, once, twice until she’d had enough of his teasing. Placing her hands behind his neck, something she could only do because he was already bent over, she pulled him down, kissing him soundly.

They separated and he chuckled. “Be good. Remember what I told you and I’ll see you at lunch.” With a pat to her bottom—did the man have an ass fixation or what? —he left.

“Are you all hanging around today?” she asked Colin as he cleared up the rest of breakfast. He was a bit of a neat freak. Unlike Gavin who made a hell of a mess, Colin liked to clean as he cooked.

“Nah, just Trace and Gavin. I’ve got to go do some rounds. I’ll be back early tonight.” Then he tugged her close and smacked her lips with his, running his hand up and down her back. “Behave. Eat something.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic