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“I came racing towards you, totally expecting you to start screaming. But you just stood up and brushed your hands off. When you looked up at me, I could see the tears in your eyes. But you just told me that you were alright. I wanted to take you into my arms and give you a hug, but you were acting so brave, I didn’t think you’d appreciate it.” He ran his hand over her hair.

“Wasn’t until later that day when you were in your bathing suit that Clay saw how bruised you were. Any other eight-year-old would have been crying and wanting reassurance but not our little miss independence. So tough.”

She shook her head. “Not really. Most of the time I was terrified but I didn’t want to let any of you down.”

“God.” Trace ran his hand over his face. “And in the end we all let you down. You thought you weren’t loved when we have loved you forever.”

She bit at her lip, staring at them all. “I-I love you guys, too. All of you. It was part of the reason I had to get away. I never, ever imagined that any of you would want me. Let alone the three of you. I couldn’t stay here and watch you guys be with other women.”

“We don’t want anyone but you,” Gavin growled. “We haven’t for years. Stay here with us, be with us. Let us show you how much we love you.”

“This all feels like a dream,” she said. “Are you sure it’s what you really want? Are you sure we can make it work?”

Gavin ran his hand up and down her back. “We’ve known for years we wanted to share the same woman. We’re closer than brothers, baby girl, we have a bond that goes beyond that. We all know that it will take work. But we will make it work. And you are the one woman for us.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “I want to believe, I do. It’s just...”

“You’re scared to trust,” Colin said. “Scared to believe. And we’re to blame for that,” he said bitterly, anger and pain filling his eyes.

“Well, the only way you’re going to believe us is if we earn your trust,” Gavin said. “And to do that, you need to stay here. You need to learn that no matter what happens we are here for you. With a lot of love and support we’ll show you that you’re meant to be here with us.”

“What if things don’t work out?” she asked. “What if you come to hate me?” The last thing she wanted was to lose them forever.

They wrapped her up within the three of them, surrounding her.

“Nothing in life is guaranteed, Lila,” Gavin said. “We could go on as we are and never take a risk. But would any of us ever be truly happy? What the four of us could have together is worth the risk. We’ve been miserable without you. We’re all willing to do whatever is needed to make you happy.”

With a sigh, she fell back against Gavin’s chest. They were her fantasy and it wasn’t every day that she had the opportunity to make her fantasies come true.

“Please, Lila, we know this is a lot to take in,” Trace said. “We realize we’re not the easiest guys in the world to get along with. Just say you’ll stay for a while. We can take things as slow as you want. You’re our whole world and we will do anything to keep you. We’d even try to change if that’s what you needed. Make ourselves more metro.”

She burst into laughter, tears running down her cheeks as she held her sides. “Metro? Do you even know what that means?” She wiped her cheeks. “No, I don’t think you guys could ever pull off metro and I don’t want you to change who you are. Then you wouldn’t be you.”

Another giggle escaped her.

“What?” Gavin asked.

“Just thinking of you using gel to style your hair, and getting a pedicure.”

“Oh, that’s funny, is it?” Gavin mock-growled as he tickled her.

She roared with laughter. “No, Gavin. Stop! Stop! You’re going to make me pee!” she squealed.

“Well, what do I get if I stop?” he teased.

“A kiss! A kiss!” she yelled.

Immediately he stopped. “Well, all right then.” He leaned back and she caught her breath, staring at his lush lips. She licked her own, feeling her skin go red, her nipples press against her bra.

Leaning in, she took his mouth with hers. Damn, he tasted good. His scent surrounded her, spurring her on. She placed her hands around his neck, pushing her breasts against his chest, trying to find some friction.

“That is so hot,” Trace moaned, bringing her back into the now. She leaned back, breathing heavily.

Gavin ran his hand up her thigh, until he came close to reaching her pussy. Wow, she wanted him, all three of them. But as much as she desired them, she didn’t want to immediately jump into bed with them.

Because she knew once she went to bed with them, everything else was going to take a backseat and she wanted to build a relationship with them that would last.

She’d only slept with two men in her life and neither of those experiences had been all that marvellous. Truthfully

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic