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“Yes,” she squeaked.

“What scene were you reading when I came in?” He grabbed her by the hips and drew her further down the bed so she was flat on her back while he sat, looming over her.

Oh no. She really didn’t want to tell him that. But he’d stopped again. And she decided that was worse

“She was about to get spanked,” she blurted out.

“Is that so? What had she done to get spanked?”

“She disobeyed her Daddies and went riding on her own when she wasn’t familiar with the ranch. She got lost and was away for hours and they were worried. So when she got back, she got bent over a hay bale and that’s where I was when you came in,” she told him. As she finished, she took in a gasping breath.

“Very naughty, worrying her Daddies. You wouldn’t do that, would you? Because you’re my good girl.”

“I don’t know how to ride.”

“That wasn’t the issue and you know it. She disobeyed a rule. She put herself at risk. She worried her Daddies. They need to whip her ass with a belt. Then ground her.”

He ran his hand up between her legs.

“Hmm, still haven’t found where you need cleaning up.”

Her heart raced. “I . . . I . . can do it.”

“Oh no, it’s definitely Daddy’s job. Pull your legs up to your chest and hold them there.”


“You heard me.”

Holy crap. She raised her legs up, holding them behind the knees. He undid her drop seat, pulling it open and running a hand over her bottom.

“Damn, this ass. Fucking edible.”

She gasped as he leaned in and bit her bottom cheek lightly. Oh God, she was already so wet. She really wished she’d had the chance to change her panties before he had his face down there.

“Somebody is very wet.” He ran a finger along her slit. “This all because of that scene?”


“No? Why else are you wet?”

“How come you’re so talkative now?” she moaned. “I’ve never had someone talk to me during. . . during whatever this is.”

“Want me to shut up?”

“Yes . . . no. Shoot. I think I like it.”

He actually chuckled. “This wet pussy is anything to go by, you definitely like it.”

A groan escaped her. “I need to go to the bathroom. Two minutes is all I need.”

“You’re not going anywhere. I’m going to clean my girl up.” He pushed her panties to one side then leaning in, he ran his tongue along her lips. “Such a pretty tasting pussy.”

She gasped as he circled her clit.

Shoot. Shoot.

Whimpers escaped her mouth as he lapped at her, feeding from her. He ran his tongue over her outer lips. “Got to get all of you clean.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic