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Holy. Crap.

He started pulling down the zipper of her onesie. She suddenly remembered that all she wore underneath were a pair of damp panties. While he’d already seen her naked, she wasn’t ready to repeat that in broad daylight while she was conscious.

She grabbed his hand, stilling it. “I’m not

wearing anything underneath.”

“I know.”

“You just said we weren’t rushing into things.”

“We’re not having sex. I’m just making you more comfortable.”

“How is this making me more comfortable?” All it was doing was pushing her arousal higher. And if he wasn’t planning on doing anything about it, then they should probably stop now. He undid the zipper some more but didn’t pull the onesie apart to reveal her breasts.

She watched him, her heart racing.

“What were you reading, Millie? Be a good girl and tell Daddy the truth and he’ll reward you. Be naughty and Daddy will have to punish his girl.”

His girl.


Where was he getting this stuff from? What happened to taciturn, grouchy Spike? Him, she could handle. This side of him . . .

She wasn’t sure she could ever let him go.

“Millie, last chance.”

“It was a Daddy Dom romance.”

He kissed down her neck. “Tell me about it.”

“There are these three men, brothers, who live on a ranch in Texas and they hired a housekeeper who is a Little. They’re all Daddies. They end up sharing her.”

He leaned back, glaring down at her. “Share? I don’t share.”

She blinked at him. “I didn’t think . . . I mean, it’s fiction. That sort of thing doesn’t happen in real life.”

“You have no idea of what goes on in real life.”

Did he mean that really did happen? Wow.

“I can barely handle one Daddy let alone three,” she muttered.

“You won’t be handling me at all. I’m in charge in this relationship.”

But they didn’t have a relationship, right?

Semantics, Millie. He didn’t mean it like that.

He’d reached her collarbone by now. She wished she was dressed in something sexy. Not a darn dinosaur onesie.

“It turned you on, reading about that, didn’t it?” He cupped her breast.


He stopped moving his hand, drawing his head back to look down at her. “Remember, honesty.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic