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Sliding his tongue down, he thrust it deep into her passage. She cried out, her back arching.

Hell! Nobody had ever done this to her. Doug went down on her a few times, but it had always felt awkward and she’d finally told him that she didn’t like it.

He’d seemed relieved.

But this. . . far out, he was eating her like he couldn’t get enough of her. Like her taste was something he desired.

“Fuck, yes, baby. Cream for me.”

Sweet heaven above.

“Please. Oh, please.”

Two fingers slid deep inside her, curling and rubbing against that spot that drove her insane.

He sucked on her clit. “Fuck, could eat you out for hours and never get tired. Hmm, not a bad idea. How many times have you come in one session?”

“Uh, um, once?”

“Remedy that.”

“You mean that multiple orgasms are really a thing? I don’t think I can do that. I get too sensitive.”

“We’ll see,” was all he said before he reached up with one hand to free her breast. He toyed with the nipple, pinching it slightly as he tapped at her clit with his tongue.

And that was all that was needed to send her up and over the edge. She spun. Her entire world contracted to just this moment, to the joy flooding her. He gentled his touch, prolonging the orgasm, making her shake, her pussy clenching.

Slowly, he lapped at her, moving his tongue over her lips then he drew his fingers free from her pussy and sat up.

“Open.” She parted her lips and he pushed his fingers inside. “Good girl. Suck.”

She sucked. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She wasn’t this sort of girl. Under the sheets, in the dark, missionary style. That was her.

But didn’t you always wonder if there was more?

She used her tongue to clean his fingers, watching as heat filled his face.

When he withdrew his fingers she whimpered in protest.

“Someone likes sucking on things, huh?”

There was definitely some innuendo in there.

“Just Daddy’s big girl? Or his Little girl too?”

What did he mean?

He slid his wet fingers down to her nipple. “Does my baby ever suck her thumb? Or use a pacifier? A bottle?”

“I’ve never . . . no.”

But that didn’t mean she hadn’t thought about it. She’d always imagined her Little was too old for that.

Except when she was tired or feeling a bit down, she liked to snuggle with Chompers. And sometimes she’d wondered what it would be like to suck on her thumb, to use a bottle.

“We can explore that.” Leaning in, he suckled on her nipple.

She gasped. Oh hell. She felt that all the way down in her clit.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic