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So, you know, she was screwed either way.

“That guy was an asshole. Sometimes I might gag you, but mostly I want to hear every cry, every shout, every sigh that comes from your mouth when I’m fucking you.”

“He didn’t want his parents to hear us.”

He leaned over her, his hands on the mattress on either side of her. “I don’t give a fuck who hears us.” He kissed her. And it was every bit as amazing as earlier.

More. She wanted more.

Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him into her. “Please. More.”

“Easy, baby.”

She groaned as he drew back. “Finish your sandwich.”

Millie was starting to think he was just a huge tease.

“I’m not hungry.”

Not for food anyway. Holy crap. CJ’s book was obviously turning her mind dirty. She rubbed her thighs together. She needed to clean up before going downstairs.

“I don’t want to stop,” she confessed.

“Fuck. Neither do I. But we’re not rushing this.”

Why not? She wouldn’t be here forever. They didn’t have a lot of time. And she was on fire here. So much so she wondered if she could sneak a session with her vibrator in the shower. But then he’d told her she wasn’t allowed to do that anymore, hadn’t he?

She stuck her lower lip out. “It’s not fair.”

“What’s not fair, baby doll?” He tapped her lower lip.

“Oh. Um. Nothing. Didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

He gave her a knowing look. “You turned on?”

Her breathing quickened as he ran a finger down her cheek.

“Just what were you reading before, huh?”

“Nothing.” Her voice was high-pitched and sounded guilty as hell.

“Nothing, huh? You’re looking a bit flushed. Too hot?”

“No. I just need to go clean up a bit.”

“Clean up?” he asked.

Oh, she really didn’t want to explain that.

“I’ll help you clean up.”

“That’s not necessary,” she said frantically.

“It’s Daddy’s job to make sure his girl is clean. And settled. And happy.”

Shoot. Kill her now.

“Let’s see where you need cleaning up.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic