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“Pinky promise.” She held up her pinky.

As he stood there, staring at her finger, she realized what she was doing. Idiot. She started to drop her hand, when he reached out and wrapped his little finger around hers. “Pinky promises are sacred.”

Warmth flooded her. He wasn’t rejecting her.

“Oh, I know. They’re the most sacred of all the promises.”

“After lunch I’ll carry you downstairs.”

“You don’t have to carry me, I’m. . .” she broke off as he scowled at her. Right, no putting herself down. She didn’t want a spanking.

Well, maybe she did.

She really wasn’t sure.

“I’m not an invalid,” she added hastily.

“Nice save, but I’ll carry you. Eat.”

“Yum, ham and cheese are my favorite,” she sang, grabbed a sandwich and bit into it enthusiastically.

Then she realized he was watching her.

“Oh, sorry.” She placed the sandwich down and tried to eat like a normal person.

Such a doofus.


“Umm, I’ve been told I get a bit too enthusiastic about things.”

“Seems to me that you just enjoy life. And you like to show that. Nothing wrong with being enthusiastic.” There was something almost sexy in the way he said that. Was he talking about enthusiasm in the bedroom?

Holy. Hell.

“My ex used to gag me while we were having sex because I was too loud.”

He blinked.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

“I cannot believe I just blurted that out.” She groaned and whacked her face with her palm.

Queen. Of. The. Dorks.

“Stop that,” he gently chastised. “Look at me.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“Because maybe then I can pretend I never said that?” Where was that hole when she needed it?

“Baby, look at me.”

Shit. Maybe if he’d gotten all growly, she could have resisted. But that was his gentle voice. That croon that just did it for her.

Of course his rough, growly voice did it for her too.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic