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Jeez. She sulked for a moment then she realized how much stuff he was adding to the cart. She reached for the tablet with a squeal. “I’ll do it.”

He gave her a look. “All right. But I want to see several things in that cart or you’re in trouble, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Okay, that just slipped out. But a pleased look entered his face.

“Gonna clean up the kitchen. Then I’ll be up to pay for it.”

No, he wouldn’t. Because she knew her credit card number off by heart.

“What’s the address here?”

“I’ll put it in when I get back up,” he told her.

Shoot. There went her plan.

“And don’t think I don’t know what you were planning on doing, brat,” he said in a low rumbly voice that did things to her. “Just so you know, if you’d succeeded, you’d be lying on your tummy for the rest of the day.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock as he walked out of the room.


She was so bored.

After ordering some coloring pens and a coloring book, the karaoke machine and a microphone, along with a board game, he’d taken the tablet from her and then he’d gone through some limits with her. That had been kind of embarrassing, nothing like talking to the man you thought was hot about how you felt about anal play.

Which, by the way, she was totally hot for, but tried to downplay in case he wasn’t. Which she then got told off about and was informed that if she held back again, she’d be made to keep a ginger plug in her bottom for ten minutes.

She’d been totally truthful after that.

Although now she couldn’t stop thinking about ginger plugs.

After that conversation, she’d been given orders to rest, then he’d left. But resting was boring. Especially when she wasn’t tired. So she’d snuck into her bedroom and grabbed her eReader and laptop.

After Skyping back home and talking to everyone, she’d settled under the covers of the bed with Chompers and one of her favorite books to reread.

This was one written by CJ Bennett. About a Little on a ranch in Texas who had three daddies. Three! She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t even find one.

Well . . . that’s not quite true now, is it?

She couldn’t find one who wanted to keep her, that was.

Push the hurt deep inside, Millie.

She’d just gotten to a scene where the naughty heroine was about to be spanked for putting herself in danger by going out riding alone when the door opened. She gasped. She’d gotten so caught up in the story that she hadn’t realized it was close to lunchtime. She was also so turned on that she could feel the slickness on her thighs when she rubbed them together.

Uh oh.

“What are you doing?” Spike rumbled.

“Umm, oh, reading a story.” She fumbled with her eReader, quickly turning it off.

“You shouldn’t be on a screen,” he scolded.

“I got bored. I can’t just lie here all day. Can I get up and rest in the living room?”

He set the tray down on the bedside table. “So long as you promise to lie on the sofa and not move.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic