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He nodded. “Any of those subs enjoy being spanked?”

“Well, yes.” She cleared her throat. “Doesn’t mean I want it.”

“You’ve never thought about being put over someone’s knee, having your panties lowered and a hand slapped against your bottom? Before you answer, lying would earn you spanking.”

Well crap.

He fed her a piece of strawberry. Yum. Okay, the fruit salad wasn’t that bad. Not that she’d tell him so.

“Need to talk about your hard limits.”

Oh. She’d never done limits before.

“You didn’t have a set of limits with that wannabe-Daddy, did you?”

“Not really,” she whispered. “He said because we were long distance that I didn’t need a safeword or to set limits.”

“That fucking asshole. Listen to me. Long distance or not, whenever you have a relationship with a Top, you have a safeword and you go through limits. This is an agreement. Got it? You have choices. Always.”

She nodded, shocked by his vehemence. “Yes, Sir.”

“Sir is acceptable. Daddy is better. When you’re ready.”

She bit her lip. She wanted to say it. Could feel the word hovering on her tongue.

What’s holding you back then?

“So, if I didn’t want to be spanked?”

“We’d explore other discipline. But remember, no lying.”

“Okay,” she whispered. “Maybe I’m a bit curious. But since I’ve never had one, I’m not sure how I’ll react . . .”

“We try it and see.” He nodded easily, feeding her some more fruit.

Funny how she hadn’t pegged him as the type to take care of someone else like this.

Shows how you shouldn’t stereotype, Millie.

“Any ideas of what your hard limits might be?”

“I don’t want to do anything that draws blood,” she said quickly. “Nothing in public.”

“Sure? If you broke a health or safety rule, I’d usually want to deal with it immediately. No one has to see. Could take you into the family bathroom, have you bend over and raise your skirt. Could take you out to the truck and place you over my lap in the back seat.”

Oh hell. Why was the thought of that turning her on? She’d never imagined she’d be into any sort of voyeurism.

Maybe it was just the thought of it. The reality probably wouldn’t be as enticing. Perhaps.

“I . . . I . . .”

“Too much too soon,” he summed up. “Thought turns you on though, huh?”

“Oh man.” She covered up her red cheeks as he winked at her.

He fed her a few more pieces of fruit and she drank some juice. Then he sat back and studied her, hands on his flat abs, elbows on the arms of the chair.

“Other limits?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic