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“You’re going to eat something. You hardly ate anything yesterday.” He frowned. “Unless you feel nauseous?”

“A bit,” she admitted.

“I can make you a smoothie.”

Oh, awesome.

“And coffee?” she asked.

“Eat some food first.”

Damn, was he the coffee police or what?

Her bottom lip popped out in a pout.

“And put that away, it doesn’t work on me.”

With a long, dramatic sigh, she opened her mouth and he slid the pineapple in. She quickly chewed and swallowed.

“Good girl.”

Oh no. There went that shiver again. He eyed her as though he knew the effect those words had on her.

“What happens next?” she asked.

“Eat this up and I’ll get you some coffee.”

“Oh, thank you, God.”

“You’re gonna stay in bed all day. Only acceptable reason for getting up is the toilet.” He eyed her. “You need to go?”

“No, I, um, went before.”

“Did you? When I told you to stay in bed?” he asked calmly.

“Well, yes, but I didn’t think you meant that I couldn’t go to the bathroom. I was busting.”

“And what if you’d gotten dizzy and fallen, hmm? You could have hit your head. Lucky you hadn’t already agreed to be my Little girl,” he told her in that low, gravelly voice. “Or you’d find yourself in trouble.”

“You wouldn’t spank me while I’m sick.” He was far too protective to do that.

“Don’t have to spank you to punish you.”


“You ever been spanked?”

“No,” she whispered.

“You want to be, though, don’t you?”

She wasn’t sure she wanted to talk about this. “Nobody wants to be spanked, right?”

He speared a piece of apple and fed it to her. She figured it was better to eat it than risk saying something stupid.

“Think you know better than that. How’d you learn about BDSM, about age play?”

She licked her lips. “Romance books.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic