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“Umm, well, I wouldn’t like to be humiliated. To be called names or told that I wasn’t desirable or anything.” She kept her gaze on the covers as she told him that.

He leaned forward and grasped hold of her chin, raising her face. When she stared up at him, she gasped at the fury in his face. “He did that to you?”

She bit her lip. “Not just him. My previous boyfriend, Doug, he often made remarks about what I wore or the way I acted. My online Daddy said I was too excitable. A lot of the time I was only to speak to him when he asked me a question.”

He gaped at her. Yeah, now that she said it out loud, she realized how messed up things had been with that jerk.

“Those bastards. You’re fucking beautiful. Sexy as fuck. Their fault they didn’t recognize when they had something special in their grasp. That they didn’t take care of you the way they should.”

“You know, for a man who doesn’t say a lot, you sure have a way with words.”

He shrugged. “Fuck them. You’re fucking perfect.”

“Really?” she whispered, his words were like a balm on the ragged edges of her very soul. When had she become so tattered and torn? When had her self-confidence eroded away? She didn’t used to be like this.

“Wanted to fuck you the moment I saw you.”

“You were so mean to me! You ignored me. You practically ran away from me.”

“Still wanted to fuck you.”

She grumbled at him, but her mouth twitched with a smile. “You really like the way I look?”

“You don’t know how often I’ve fucking rubbed one off thinking about you these past few days.”

Her cheeks blazed red even as happiness made her giddy. “Oh.”

“Oh? That all you got to say?”

“Umm.” What did he want from her? Perhaps for you to tell him that you think he’s handsome? “You’re gorgeous too.”

A knowing look entered his eyes. “Were you thinking about me when you used that dinosaur vibe in the bath? Did you imagine it was my tongue against your clit? My cock slipping inside your slick passage?”

She placed her hands on her hot cheeks. “I thought we agreed not to talk about that!”


“This is so embarrassing. Yes, all right? I was thinking about you while I used the vibrator on myself.”

This smug look entered his face. “Gonna watch you next time.”

Gonna watch her what? Use her vibrator? “I don’t think so!”

He tilted his head to the side. “Why not?”

“B-because you c-can’t watch!”

“Minute you agreed to be my Little, you just gave me all your orgasms.”

“What does that mean?” It was like she’d gone to sleep in one world and woken up in a completely different one.

“Means you don’t get an orgasm unless I give my permission. So no using that vibe without me watching you.”

He didn’t mean it. He couldn’t mean it. But as she stared into his firm face, she saw he did.

“Well, shit.”

“Need to talk about your other rules.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic