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Problem was, she wanted him too much. So much so that saying goodbye to him when she left just might break her heart.

But then, when was she likely to get an offer like this again? If she survived her mission, she’d go back to her hometown without even a hint of a romantic prospect in sight.

This might be her only chance to experience what having a Daddy would be like. To have sex with a man who made her whole body tingle when all he did was lean over her and whisper in her ear.

Was she really going to say no?



The word flew out of her like a stone from a slingshot. Spike froze, a tray of food in his hands. He walked forward and set it down on the bedside table. She glanced over and saw a bowl of fruit salad.


Didn’t the man believe in things like French toast and croissants and donuts?

Fruit salad was not a meal. It was garnish.

You know garnish on the side of a big slice of chocolate pie.

“There a reason you’re scowling at the fruit salad?” Spike asked as he sat in the armchair and reached for the bowl and a fork.

“Umm, no.”

“That ‘yes’ mean what I think it means?”

She blushed and nodded, feeling like an even bigger idiot than normal.

“Kind of meant for you to think about it longer than fifteen minutes.”

r />

“Oh. Well. When you know, you know,” she said lamely. “I mean, I haven’t had a D-daddy in real life. So maybe I won’t . . . I’m not sure I’ll know what I like exactly . . . I don’t want to disappoint you.”

He didn’t brush off her fears, instead he watched her closely. “You’re scared.”


“Don’t be. I’ll take care of you so you don’t need to be afraid.”

There was that arrogance. How could she trust him to take care of her? They barely knew each other.

And yet she did. She felt it deep inside her.

“You couldn’t disappoint me even if you tried.”

The statement was so sweet. So unlike Spike, that she just gaped at him.

Looking slightly awkward, as though he hadn’t meant to say that, he held up a piece of pineapple to her mouth.

She stared at it with offense. The only pineapple she liked to eat came on a pizza.

Yes, she liked pineapple on her pizza.

“Open,” he commanded.

“I’m not real hungry.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic