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He’d undressed her.

He’d seen her rolls. Her stretch marks and cottage cheese thighs.

This was beyond embarrassing.

She groaned loudly. The door opened and then the man in question walked in, carrying Mr. Fluffy.

“Morning,” he said to her.

“Morning,” she croaked, knowing she was bright red.

He came over to the side of the bed where an armchair had been pulled close.

Mr. Fluffy basically jumped from his arms, landing on her chest. She let out a whoosh of breath.

“Easy, dog,” Spike muttered as the puppy enthusiastically licked her face.

Urgh. Puppy breath. Lucky he was so darn cute.

“Morning, Mr. Fluffy,” she crooned. “Did you miss me, baby?”

“He chewed his way through a pair of my socks and left one of his slobbery chew toys in my boot.”

“Oh no. I’m so sorry.” She had to bite back a grin.

“Didn’t find it until I went to put my boots on this morning.” Spike gave Mr. Fluffy a look.

He just settled on her chest with a yawn, looking unworried.

She bit her lip to hold in her giggle.

Spike turned that warning look on her. “Are you about to laugh?”

“I wouldn’t do that,” she told him.

He grunted and picked up the dog who let out a low grumbling noise that sounded suspiciously like the one Spike had just made.

He settled Mr. Fluffy in his dog bed, which he’d obviously gotten from her room and put in here. That was so thoughtful.

She tried to push herself up as he turned.

“Here.” He came closer and arranged some pillows behind her back. His scent surrounded her and she felt her body heating at his closeness.

It wasn’t until he drew back that she managed to take a full breath. He was potent.

“Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry about everything yesterday. Is the smell of the smoke gone?”

“Yep.” He sat on the armchair and studied her. “You’re still pale.”

Great. No doubt she looked like crap. Had she been drooling again? Please don’t let her have been drooling.

She ran a shaking hand over her face. “Migraine hangover. I get them sometimes. Just means I feel kind of tired for a day or so. I’ll be fine.”

“You get migraines a lot?”

“Ah, it all depends. I’ve gotten them quite a bit these last few months.”

“There a reason for that?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic