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He went to a lot of trouble to make breakfast, Millie. Don’t be a brat.

She wasn’t really a brat by nature. But she really did love coffee.

“Little girls shouldn’t drink coffee.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Just because I’m a Little doesn’t mean I can live without coffee. Coffee is life. It’s what gets me out of bed each morning. I can’t function without coffee.”

“Drink your smoothie and you’ll get one.”

She scowled. “Just because I’m a Little doesn’t mean you get to boss me around.”

“You’re right.”

Okay, that surprised her. She also sensed a but.

“I’d boss you around regardless.”

She sighed. She just bet he would.

Bossy, arrogant biker.

“I’m really sorry about losing it like that last night. I don’t usually cry.”

“You don’t?”

“Crying doesn’t make anything better, right?”

He just eyed her.

“You had a Daddy before?” he asked.

She picked up her fork, moving her food around on her plate and hoping that he was fooled into thinking she was eating it.

“Yes, but only online.”


“I had the same boyfriend since high school. After he broke up with me, I felt lost. Alone. I didn’t have many ways of meeting people. Not many eligible bachelors came through the doors of the library. Anyway, my ex had always been embarrassed by my Little needs. So I decided I needed to find a Daddy. I met him online on a BDSM dating site. He seemed really nice. Kind but firm. Protective. Polite.” And why was she telling him all this?

“What happened?”

“We talked for months online. But he lived in Texas. My Grandma wasn’t very well. She raised me and I was taking care of her. He wanted me to come visit him but I couldn’t leave her. I guess he got annoyed and found someone who lived closer to him.”

She glanced up to find him scowling. “Why the fuck didn’t he come to you?”

She shrugged. “He said it was my job to come to him. That he was the dominant. He made the rules.”

“Bunch of bullshit.”

“But . . . the Dom does make the rules, right?”

“Yeah, but you agree to them. They aren’t fucking forced on you. And you had a good reason for not visiting. He should have got on a fucking plane and come to you.”

“He said he needed someone with a less complicated life. That if I’d really wanted to be with him, I’d have found a way. Once he made me kneel on rice for two hours because I missed a phone call from him and didn’t call back for several hours. I’d had to call Grandma an ambulance. She’d collapsed. I was in such a panic; I left the house without my phone. I called him back as soon as I could. But he was so mad.”

“Mother-fucking bastard.”

“I should have remembered my phone. The rule was I had to call him back within an hour if he called me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic