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Without thinking, he leaned over her and started cutting up the toast and eggs into bite-sized pieces.

“Um, what are you doing?”

He froze. Shit. He placed the knife and fork down. With a sigh he sat next to her and reached over to grab his glass. He drank some smoothie down before replying.

“You’re a Little, aren’t you?”

Did he really just ask her that?

Her heart raced. Well, she guessed it might be obvious. At least to someone who knew about age play. She licked her dry lips, unsure about how to respond. Was he horrified? Upset? Happy?

Damn it! Why was he so hard to read? Why couldn’t he give her some clue here?

“You . . . I . . . it . . .” She took in a deep breath. “Should have just stayed in bed this morning.”

“I did tell you to sleep until at least nine.” He nodded over at the clock on the oven which said it was just before eight.

She swallowed. “Yes.”

He gave a nod and took a bite of food. “Thought so.”

“Are you? I mean . . . you obviously know about . . .”

“I was a Daddy Dom. Once. My wife was my Little.”

She gave him a surprised look but didn’t say anything. She realized how little she knew about him. Especially considering she was staying in his house.

What was she even doing here? How long would it take for that asshole to forget about her?

Where was his wife now? Had they gotten divorced? The way he looked as he spoke of her though . . .

“She was?”

“Yep. She died. About ten years ago.”

“I’m so sorry.” She wished she could give him a hug, but she was too scared of being rejected.

“Haven’t had a Little since. Haven’t wanted to be anyone’s Dominant or Daddy. Haven’t been in any sort of relationship since.”

That was so sad. She guessed he’d loved her so much that it hurt to imagine being with someone else like that. Tears welled in her eyes.

He watched her curiously then leaned over to brush away a tear. “You crying for me?”

She nodded.

“Don’t,” he whispered. “It was a long time ago.”

“You must have loved her a lot, though.” To not have been with anyone else for ten years.

He gave a nod. “Eat. Drink.”

She reached for the smoothie, taking a sip and barely refraining from wrinkling her nose. That tasted very healthy.

“Do you mind if I grab a coffee?”

“After the smoothie.”

He wasn’t serious? But the look he gave her told her that he was. Well, she guessed it was his coffee. But what if she didn’t want the smoothie?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic