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“Fucker can make an exception for emergencies. Your Grandma was being taken away in an ambulance.”

“I was so sure she was going to die. I just wanted . . . I wanted him to tell

me it was okay. That everything would be all right.”

“Instead the asshole punished you.”

“You wouldn’t have punished your wife?”

“My wife wouldn’t have been going through that alone. If by some chance, we were apart, you can bet your sweet ass I’d be getting myself on a plane back to her. And then I’d hug her tight. And tell her everything would be okay.”

“I bet she’d have believed you too.” How she wished she’d had someone like Spike to help her. Someone capable and caring.

“All this time, I’ve thought I was the problem. That it was my fault things didn’t work out between us. That I should have made more of an effort.”

“Sounds like that’s what this asshole wanted you to think. Relationship goes two ways. Dom isn’t always right. The sub doesn’t have to do all the work. Doms make mistakes. Believe me.”

She wanted to ask more, like how his wife had died. But it didn’t feel like she had the right. It wasn’t like she was volunteering everything about herself.

Reaching over, he grabbed her fork from her hand and used it to pick up a piece of egg, holding it to her mouth.

She sighed. “I can feed myself.”

“Clearly not. Since you’re not eating.”

She took the mouthful, knowing he could out-stubborn her.

“I don’t like breakfast.”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” he chided in an almost absentminded voice.

She noticed he’d already eaten all his breakfast and drunk all of that way-too-healthy smoothie.

“I need something lighter for breakfast. Like cereal.”


“I was thinking of Lucky Charms or Fruit Loops.”

“That’s just sugar.”

She sighed. “I like sugar.”

He shook his head, forking up some more food. Was she really going to sit here and let him feed her? Maybe she was.

“Four more bites and drink your smoothie then you get a cup of coffee.”

Darn it. She might have been able to put her foot down if he’d gone all commando on her. But bribery worked all too well.

With a sigh, she took the next bite. For someone who claimed to no longer be a Daddy Dom he was definitely acting like one. She didn’t know what to make of it. Or how to ask him. Because if she pointed it out, maybe he’d stop.

And her Little was lapping this up like parched ground in a rainstorm. It felt like she’d been starved for affection.

Would he give her a hug if she asked?

That was likely taking it too far.

He fed her in silence and she managed to down the smoothie with only a few grimaces. He rolled his eyes at her dramatics but he made her a coffee afterwards.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic