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“He took a shine to Sunny, rescued her from two men who had kidnapped her and then he hid her away. He had us trying to find her while he was taking out the senator. But he’s not a normal man. He might not like that I told you this. You must keep it to yourself. Promise me.”

She nodded. “I won’t tell. He did the world a favor. I only wish I could make Jonathan Robins pay. That sick asshole. And Frankie too. Wait, do you think Luther had anything to do with it?”

Spike sighed. “Don’t know. Don’t think he was in the city at the time.”

“If he did, I want him to pay.”

“I’ll find out. I promise you.”

“Wait. Fox. For Fox Sake. The company name? You think this assassin had something to do with the money I was sent?”

“I don’t know, baby doll. But frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me. That’s something he might do.”

“I don’t get it.” The more she learned the more confused she grew.

Oh Daria.

“He might have seen it as justice to take money from the senator and give it to you.”

She blanched. “You mean it’s dirty money.” It was becoming harder to breathe. “I have to get rid of it.”

“We’ll do whatever you want,” he reassured her. “Give it away to a charity, whatever you need to do.”

“Yes. Yes. We’ll get rid of it. Get rid of it.”


She was aware of his worried stare. Knew that he was waiting for her to lose it. She should be losing it, shouldn’t she?

Instead, all she felt was this weird emptiness. It was like her emotions had drained out of her. Was she in shock? She wasn’t sure. She felt weird. Out of it. Numb.

She was numb.

This wasn’t right. She should be screaming. Crying. Mourning Daria. Mourning the loss of her baby sister, who she’d helped raise.

Who she’d failed. She’d failed to keep her safe.

“Millie, talk to me.”

“Think that’s the first time anyone has urged me to talk. Most people want me to shut up.”

“What?” Spike scowled.

“It’s okay. I know I can be a lot. I get excited about stupid things. I dance around the house, I love to sing and be silly. I can be too much.”

“Fuck that shit. You’re fucking perfect. I don’t want you to be anything but yourself. Do you hear me? If I find out you’re trying to change yourself to be what you think I want, I’m going to be fucking mad, understand?”

“You wanted me to change my outfit to fit in more.”

“What? When?” he demanded.

“At the fabric store.”

“Fuck. Baby, that wasn’t because I didn’t like the way you looked. Liked it too fucking much. You’re gorgeous. I’m going to spend all my time fucking keeping men from staring at you.”

“I doubt it.”

“I don’t,” he growled. “And I was wrong to tell you to do that. Safety be damned. Should never have demanded you change. Fucking kills me that I hurt you. Understand? I was wrong. And you, are perfect.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic