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“Baby,” he said, his voice broken. “I’m so fucking sorry. We tried and failed. Failed her. Failed you.”

“I . . . you said he bought her from Luther’s father? The pimp?”

“Yeah. Don’t know how she ended up with Frankie. She could have been picked up as soon as she arrived in the city. Frankie had a woman that he’d send to hang around the bus terminal to lure runaways in.”

She could barely process it. Couldn’t handle that this had happened to her sister.

“Why didn’t she call me? I would have come for her. I would have done anything for her.”

“I don’t know, baby. I’m so sorry.”

Oh Daria.

“Robins killed her then?”

“Yeah. Or one of his men.”

“How many women do you think he did that to?”

“I don’t know, baby.”

“The one found at his cabin? Is she all right?”

“I don’t know. I can find out.”

She nodded. “Maybe she needs help. I have money . . . I can help her.”

“Fuck, baby. You have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met. Why don’t you just concentrate on you right now. I know this has to be a fucking shock.”

“You didn’t know she was my sister when you met me?” she asked. She didn’t know what she would do if he’d kept it from her all this time.

“No. You have two different last names. We didn’t look into her background once she was . . .”

He trailed off but she knew what he was going to say.

Oh Daria.

Keep it together, Millie. No point in falling apart. But she could feel the strain of locking everything down.

“But when I told you about the money, you acted strange, why?”

He sighed. “Like I said, we were keeping watch on Robins, trying to find out where he was keeping, umm, Daria.”

“Right,” she whispered.

“Turns out, he was being watched by someone else. Someone called the Fox.”

“A person who calls themselves the Fox.” Her mind could barely put the pieces together.

Oh Daria.

“The Fox is an assassin for hire. He was there to take out the senator.”

“An assassin for hire murdered the senator?”

Spike was watching her carefully. “Yes, but you can’t ever say anything. The Fox is, he’s different. He could well be a psychopath. We’re not sure. But he helped us.”

“Helped you?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic