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“So protective, isn’t he? I’m glad he’s taken an interest in another sub. Never thought I’d see him this way again after Jacqui’s death.”

“This is just a temporary arrangement between us. While I’m having to stay with him. Then we’ll go our separate ways.” She didn’t want him to think this was anything more.

Grady studied her. “And is that what you want?”

“Doesn’t matter what I want. It is what it is.”

Sympathy filled his face. The last thing she wanted was his pity.

“We live in two different states. And we’re very different people. It would never work.”

“Anything can work if you want it badly enough,” he told her.

But Spike didn’t want it.

“Don’t lose hope, my dear. I think he’ll pull his head out of his ass eventually. Now, do you see our traitor?”

She let out a breath of frustration. “Not yet.”

* * *

Spike kept his gaze on Millie as Steele spoke to him.

“. . . and then I murdered him in cold blood and beheaded him, putting his head on a spike.”

“What?” Spike frowned and turned to him.

“Oh, so you were listening? I thought you had tuned me out completely.”

“What do you want?” Spike asked, irritably.

“She’s beautiful. I don’t blame you for not being able to take your eyes off her. She reminds me of Jacqui in some ways.”

“She’s nothing like Jacqui.”

“Not in looks or temperament perhaps. But there’s something about her . . . maybe that’s why I didn’t try harder to get her to come home with me. Because there’s something that reminds me of Jacqui.”

Jacqui had been slight, but feisty. Strong, but somewhat broken inside. She’d been everything to him.

“She’s not a replacement of Jacqui. What’s between Millie and me is temporary.”

“Does she know that?”

“She does.”

“Hmm, because the way she looks at you . . .”

“What do you want to talk about?” he asked abruptly.

Damon studied him closely. “You’re not betraying Jacqui’s memory by falling in love with someone else. She wouldn’t want you to be alone, you know.”

Spike scoffed. “Jesus, if that’s what you drew me over here to talk about then let me put your mind at ease. I don’t love her. I never will. I still love my wife.”

Suddenly, he realized that his words were too loud. He glanced over to see Grady glaring at him with anger and reproach in his eyes. He forced himself to look at Millie. A flash of pain flooded her face before it was gone, hidden behind a cool mask he’d never seen her wear before.

And one he really didn’t like.

“Millie . . .” he started with no idea what to say.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic