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A knock on the door interrupted them.

Grady walked over to open the door, still scowling at Spike.

He got it. He’d fucked up. He tried to catch her gaze but she wouldn’t even look at him. Shit.

Mitchell, who managed Pinkies, stood on the other side. He was an older man. Slim-built and dressed in a suit. But he ran Pinkies like a well-oiled machine. Normally. Spike was surprised that asshole from the Devil’s Sinners had gotten past Mitchell’s bouncers.

“Mitchell, come in,” Grady invited.

“Sorry to interrupt,” he said. “Damon, wonder if I could borrow you for a moment.”

“Sure. Mitchell, this is Millie. She’s the one who stepped in to help Tawny the other night when that asshole tried to take her.”

Mitchell held out a hand to Millie who shook it with a small smile. “So nice to meet you. I apologize for all that unpleasantness. I still feel guilty that Devil’s Sinners bastard somehow snuck his way in here. He used the back entrance. Unfortunately, the door hadn’t been shut properly. I’d love to have a few minutes with him.”

“We’ll find him,” Steele said. “But you’ll have to wait until Spike’s had his turn. There might not be much left.”

Damn right there wouldn’t be.

Mitchell’s gaze turned to Mr. Fluffy. “Is that a puppy?”

“Oh yes, that’s Mr. Fluffy. I’m sorry if he’s not allowed in here. He gets separation anxiety if left alone.”

Mitchell blinked at her. “Of course. That’s fine. What kind of puppy is he?”

“I’m not sure, I found him in an alleyway. We have to take him to a vet.”

Mitchell walked over and sat next to Mr. Fluffy, who ignored him. He ran a finger over his head, patting him. “Very cute. Are you going to keep him? I’d gladly take him off your hands. He reminds me of the dog I had as a child.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Yes, I am going to keep him. I’m far too attached to him now.”

Spike could tell she felt bad for Mitchell.

“Maybe you could go to the pound and find another one?”

“Maybe,” he replied, standing.

“Let’s go,” Damon said.

Damon left with Mitchell and Spike watched as Millie turned to look out the window, her shoulders tense.

Fucking hell. How did he fix this?

* * *

Millie stared out the window, trying to keep her composure. She was all too aware that Spike was only a few feet away.

I don’t love her. I never will.

God. That hurt. So much.

“Millie, we need to talk,” Spike said.

She tensed. Talk about what?

Pull yourself together.

I don’t love her and I never will.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic