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“I really would appreciate that hole to open and swallow me right now.”

“Afraid that’s not happening, doll.” He stood and set her on her feet. “Come on. Won’t be so bad.”

* * *

He was right.

It wasn’t so bad.

It was worse.

Damon had run his gaze over her, studying her then he’d turned to Spike. “See you went easy on her.”

Spike had just raised an eyebrow while she’d hidden behind him. She’d spotted Mr. Fluffy sleeping in a corner of the sofa.

“Josh told me she jumped out of your truck while it was still moving. Said you had a face like thunder and he figured your woman wouldn’t be sitting for a week.”

Holy crap.

Who was Josh? The bouncer? This was so embarrassing.

Spike grunted.

Grady walked over and took hold of her chin, inspecting her face. “She didn’t even cry. You’re losing your touch.”

Spike slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch. Mine.”

Her heart raced at the possessiveness in his voice even as she cautioned herself to keep her he

art safe.

Oh, who was she kidding?

Her heart was already involved. She was going to be a mess when this was all over and she had to leave him. There was no way around it.

Grady gave Spike a strange look that she couldn’t interrupt. “Water, dear? Or a daiquiri?”

“A daiquiri please.”



Spike led her over to where Damon was standing by the windows. “My men are starting to trickle in. I wanted you here first. Most of them are here tonight celebrating. See if you can spot the traitor.”

She nodded, still feeling embarrassed but, grateful to have something to focus on.

“Spike, talk to you a moment?” Damon asked.

Spike squeezed her hand then walked away. Grady stepped up next to her with her drink in hand. She took a big gulp.

“Don’t be embarrassed, love. I bet you look gorgeous with a red bottom.”

“Grady!” she spluttered.

“Millie?” Spike asked sharply from across the room.

She turned and waved him off then she gave Grady a quelling look. He just smiled, looking pleased with himself.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic