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She glared up at him, her whole-body quivering with need. “Damn it.”

“That your answer?” He cocked an arrogant eyebrow.

“Nooo. I won’t, Daddy. Promise.”

“Good.” Suddenly, he stood. What was he doing? Wasn’t he supposed to be giving her an orgasm? “Time to show you what happens when you stick that tongue out.”

Oh crap. Her gaze went to his cock.

She licked her lips, nerves and excitement dancing inside her. “I might not be very good.”

“Doll, just get your mouth around my cock.”

She leaned in, wrapping her hand around the base. He was smooth but hard. She ran her tongue over the tip, jerking back slightly as he groaned.


“Fuck no. Only wrong thing is if you use too much teeth. Or stop. Got me?”

Okay then. She swirled her tongue around the head again, then took him slowly into her mouth. She ran her hand up and down the base.

“Squeeze harder, fuck yes. That’s it.”

Sucking on him harder, she squeezed him tighter.

“Fuck, doll. So fucking good.”

Her confidence grew as she drew back and swirled her tongue around the head once more. Then she sucked him in quick, taking as much of him as she could into her mouth. She choked slightly; he was big but the groan he emitted made it worth a bit of discomfort.

She slid her hand down her stomach towards her clit. Maybe she could multi-task. Her clit was throbbing, his need was driving her own higher and higher.

“No touching yourself,” he commanded.

She froze, gaping up at him. He stared down at her through half-lidded eyes.

She slid her mouth off his dick. “But that’s not fair.”

“Punishment, remember?”

This punishment sucked. “Can’t I just have a spanking?”

“Keep sulking and you’ll end up in the corner with the butterfly vibe on your clit.”

Oh, hell no. “Not sulking. See?” She gave him a wide, big smile.

He gave her a knowing look. “Get on the bed on your knees, arms out in front of you, face pressed to the mattress.”

Was he taking out the plug? She got into position as he walked around the side of the bed. She turned her head to watch him sliding on a condom.

Holy. Hell. It was happening. He was finally having sex with her.

He crouched down so they were at eye-level. “Okay?”

“Yes,” she squeaked then cleared her throat. Rising, he moved behind her, spreading her legs. He ran his hands down her ass then slapped one cheek. Then the other. She groaned. They weren’t hard smacks. Just enough to warm her cheeks. To make her heart race.

Tugging at the plug, he slowly drew it out.

Oh hell. Oh hell.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic