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When he drew back, she whimpered and tried to reach for him.

“Uh-uh, stay where you are,” he reminded her.

She put her hands back down. He stripped off his shirt. Holy shit. The man was gorgeous. He didn’t have as many tattoos as she’d thought a biker might have. She studied the one down his right arm. It was an image of a woman praying and a rose. She wondered if that was for his wife.

Then he reached for his belt, undoing it and pulling off his jeans. She leaned up on one elbow so she could continue watching him. With his back turned to her, he slid down his boxers.

Holy. Crap. Was she finally going to see him naked?

He turned to her. His cock was thick and long.


Her heart felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. Did he think that his cock was ever going to fit in her ass? Because she didn’t think it likely.

“You look terrified.”

He crossed his arms over his thick chest as he stared down at her. She licked her lips.

“No, nope, not at all. Me? Scared? Why would I be scared?”

Jesus, you doofus. Way to be sexy and worldly. You’re acting like a complete dork.

He raised his eyebrows, taking her in.

“Sit at the end of the bed.”

She slid down to the end of the bed then sat up. He knelt in front of her. His bed was high so they were now at about the same height. Leaning in, he took her lips in a far gentler kiss than she’d expected.

“I would never do anything to hurt you, trust me?”

She did. She really did. She didn’t care that she hadn’t known him that long. She wouldn’t have shown him her Little if she didn’t trust him.

So maybe you should tell him everything.

She wasn’t sure why she was holding back. In the beginning, she hadn’t wanted to talk about it with anyone. Now, she thought maybe it was because he didn’t offer anything personal about himself. He kept this wall up between them. It was probably for the best. He was so protective he might insist that she forget her mission and go home.

And she couldn’t do that.

“I trust you,” she whispered.

The look he sent her was filled with satisfaction. An alpha male who’d gotten exactly what he wanted. And expected. Because nothing less would be acceptable.

Moving between her legs, he kissed along her inner thigh. He slid his lips closer to her pussy. Maybe she should have felt in a position of dominance. Of power. But there was no mistaking who was in charge.

It was him. Always him.

The boss.

He spread her pussy lips and buried his tongue deep inside her.

“Please, oh please. More. I need to come.”

Flicking at her clit, he slid a finger deep into her pussy. She groaned. The plug in her ass just drove her arousal higher and higher. She wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. She needed to come so badly. Just as she thought she was going to come, he drew away.

“Noo,” she groaned. Why was he torturing her?

“Think you won’t offer to pay me for a gift again, yes?” he said in that evil voice.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic