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When it was completely out, she almost begged him to put it back. She must have made some noise because he ran his hand over her bottom.

“Easy, doll. There will be lots of chances to plug you.”

That sounded rather ominous. But she wasn’t worried. Unless he was talking about a ginger plug. Then maybe she should be slightly worried.

She didn’t see where he put the plug. Frankly, at this point, she didn’t care either.

Moving in behind her, he ran a hand down her back. Almost soothingly. Then his cock nudged at her entrance.

Their groans mixed together as he entered her. “Fuck me. Wet. Hot. Fuck.”

She was shocked at the feel of him. He was huge, stretching her but there was no pain. She was wet and ready for him. He slid in deep then paused.

“Doll. Feels so good.”

She was incapable of speech, of anything except for the small cries that escaped her as he started to move. In and out. Slow at first. Then he built up speed until he was slamming into her.

The urge to touch herself was so strong. She knew it wouldn’t take much. Just a few flicks of her finger and she’d fall over the edge. It was only his threat of making her wear a butterfly vibe that kept her from moving.

“So fucking close.”

She needed to come so bad.

He slid over her, his chest against her back, surrounding her in his warmth, his strength. His teeth grazed the outer shell of her ear. “I shouldn’t let you come. Should teach you a lesson. You’ve made me soft.”

She doubted it.

Please, please, please.

She was uncertain whether she said those words out loud or not. She clenched down around him. Needing him.

Finally, he flicked at her clit.

“You can come, doll.”

Just a few short flicks of his finger and she was screaming as she squeezed his dick, coming, her entire body shaking. She barely heard his own release. Barely even felt him drawing out of her as she collapsed on the bed.

She was so relaxed. She couldn’t even bring herself to roll over as he climbed off the bed. There was the sound of running water then Spike turned her onto her back. She kept her eyes shut. He could do what he wanted. She was just going to lie here.

“Legs apart,” he commanded.

She spread her legs, then tensed as a warm cloth was placed over her pussy. She reached down to grab the cloth and he gave her hand a light slap.

“Leave it. I’m big. You’re small. It will soothe you.” He peered down at her thoughtfully. “Do you need a bath?”

She yawned. Maybe she should be embarrassed at lying there naked with a warm cloth between her legs. But for some reason, she wasn’t. Perhaps because he was so matter-of-fact about it all.

“No. Tired. Sleep.”

Spike gave her a searching look then nodded. “All right. If you’re sore tomorrow you can have a bath.”

Heat filled her cheeks at the thought. But she nodded. He removed the cloth once it had cooled then climbed into bed.

He pulled her onto his chest so she was lying on top of him, his favorite position for sleeping. And frankly, it had become her favorite too. To the point that she wondered how she was ever meant to sleep again without him surrounding her.


“Hi everyone!” She smiled into the laptop. Or she tried to.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic