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“You want the plug?”

What she wanted was to come. But she was also curious as to what being plugged would feel like.

“Yes, please.”

“Fuck, that’s sexy, seeing my fingers disappear into your ass. Do you need to come, baby?”


He slid his finger free from her ass then he nipped the back of her neck, her shoulder. “Too bad you were naughty and don’t get to, huh?”

She groaned. He was so mean.

He moved off the bed. She concentrated on trying to bring her breathing under control, to soothe the arousal surging through her blood. But before she could calm herself much, her ass cheeks were being parted and something slick and solid was pressed against her asshole.

“Breathe in. Relax as you breathe out.” As she let the breath out, the plug was pushed deep inside her. Okay, it wasn’t much bigger than his fingers. But it felt so strange inside her ass. Solid. Thick.

And damn, she was turned on. She heaved in a breath, feeling like she’d run a marathon. Every nerve ending had flared to life. More, she wanted more. She whimpered, wiggling her bottom, trying to get him to touch her.

“Uh-uh-uh.” He smacked his hand down on her ass cheek. “No moving.”

She let out a whine. “Pretty please.”

“Nope.” Another smack on the other cheek.

“With sprinkles on top?”

“Definitely no.” Two more smacks. She cried out.

“How about cherries and whipped cream?”

“Dreaming, baby. Get on your back, baby doll. I’m gonna go wash my hands.”

She turned carefully, the plug in her ass moving around.

“All right, how about pretty please with a protein smoothie, sliced avocado and a shrimp on top?” she asked when he returned from the bathroom.

He gave her a strange look. “That’s the most disgusting combination ever.”

She shrugged. “Did it work? Please touch me.”

“Touch you where?” There was a wicked glint in his eyes. Oh no.

“Everywhere. My pussy. My clit. My breasts. Please.”

“I’ll touch you.”

Oh, thank goodness.

“But you still don’t get to come.” Grabbing her legs, he drew her down to the edge of the bed. He knelt on the floor and spread the lips of her pussy. “Now stay very still. And no coming.”

Torture. It was pure torture. The things he did with his tongue . . . well, if she knew something to confess, she would have given it up in the first thirty seconds. He drove her up to the edge of orgasm again and again befor

e pulling back.

By the time he moved away from her pussy, she was certain hours must have passed. Sweat coated her skin, her nipples were hard, her breath coming in sharp, ragged pants.

He stood and leaned over her, kissing her. The taste of her was on his tongue, but she didn’t care. She needed his kiss. Craved it.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic