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Oh hell. Was he serious?

She studied his face. She should have known better. When did Spike ever joke around?

Leaning down, he sucked on her nipple through the cloth of her romper. She groaned, wanting to feel him without the material between them. He slid lower on the bed, lying between her legs, pressing them apart.

Then he slowly undid the snap crotch. Her breath caught; her pulse raced. She was already wet. Hell, sometimes it felt like she was always wet around him.

She couldn’t help it.

He pushed the material away from her slick lips.

“Is my baby already wet for me? Hmm?”

She didn’t reply. Wasn’t like he couldn’t see the evidence himself. He kissed along the top of her thigh then smacked his hand lightly down on her pussy, making her cry out. “Answer me.”

“Yes. Yes, I’m wet.”

“Good girl. Fuck, you smell so damn good.” He spread her lips apart. She lay there with her hands behind her head. She wondered why he didn’t use the cuffs. It was so hard to keep her hands where they were, to stop herself from reaching for him.

Maybe that was the point.

He took a long slow lick that had her groaning, his tongue flicked at her clit. Once. Twice.

God, yes.

Felt so good. So darn good.

Jeez, this was going to be even harder than she thought. How was she supposed to stop herself from coming when with every little touch nearly set her on fire?

Her breath came faster as he ran his tongue slowly around her clit then he flicked it again. Once. Twice. Circled it.

More. More.

Suddenly, he sat up and flipped her over. He pulled her romper up over her butt. What was he doing? Was he going to spank her? But he ran his tongue along one ass cheek and over the other. Then he nipped her bottom gently.

She whimpered.

“Bend your legs, on your knees,” he commanded. “Keep your arms out in front of you, face pressed to the bed. No moving.”

She curled her legs up, raising her ass. He ran a finger down the seam of her bottom then pulled it away. She half-expected a smack, instead she heard a squirting noise and then his finger was at her puckered entrance, slick with what had to be lube.

“Deep breath in. Now out. Good girl. That’s it. Let me inside you.” He slid his finger inside her. “Fuck. So tight. So hot. Do you want Daddy’s cock inside your ass, baby girl?”

He was killing her. Seriously. She had never had anyone talk to her like this. Not during sex. Not even that other Daddy Dom. Or wannabe-Daddy, as Spike liked to refer to him as.

“Gonna answer me?”

“Yes,” she groaned, knowing she wouldn’t get away with not saying anything. She also wouldn’t get away with lying.

“That’s a good girl.” He drove his finger in and out of her ass. Holy. Hell. Felt so good. How could that feel so hot?

He slid in a second finger, stretching her. There was a slight burn that soon morphed into something else. Something hotter.

“Please. Please.”

“What is it, baby girl?”

“More. I need more.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic