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When she was out from under the bed, he picked her up and plonked her on the mattress, crouching over her. He grabbed her wrists in his hands and pulled her hands above her head.

Her breath came in sharp pants, her breasts pushing against the buttons of the romper.

“You’re in big trouble, little girl.”

“I didn’t do nothin’.”

He arched a brow. “Offering to pay for a gift? Stomping your foot in a tantrum? Running from Daddy?”

“Well, when you put it like that it doesn’t sound so good. But Daddy, I was just—”

This time he didn’t quiet her with his hand but with his mouth, pressing his lips to hers, he kept kissing her until she was soft and relaxed beneath him

. Then he slid his lips along her jaw to her ear. He knew how much she loved that.

“You will not mention paying me again.” He kissed that spot beneath her ear. “Or there’s gonna be trouble. Hear me?”

“Okay, Daddy. Thank you for my gifts.”

“You’re welcome. I like your onesies.” He kissed his way down her neck. “Especially the drop seats.” He moved his mouth along her collarbone. “But these have something I like too. Can you guess what?”

She knew she was blushing as he ran his finger over her nipple. The romper still covered her but her nipple grew instantly hard. Leaning in, he licked his tongue across it and she groaned.

“Well?” he murmured. He toyed with her other nipple until her breath was coming in sharp pants, arousal flooding her.

Christ. He always got so talkative during sex. Well, not sex since they hadn’t done that yet. He hadn’t even had an orgasm.

Although he had promised to show her another use for that tongue if she ever licked him again.

“The snap crotch?” she guessed.

“Clever girl. Since you were naughty, you have to put your hands behind your head. No touching.”

She pouted at that.

“No sulking.” He tapped her lower lip.

She sighed. “Daddy, that’s rather mean.”

He gave her a look. “Could order you not to talk.”

“No, no, let’s not be too hasty. No pouting. I get it.”

“Something else arrived for you today.” He reached over and opened the drawer, pulling a damn anal plug.

“Got you some training plugs. This is the small one.”

That was the small one? Yikes.

Next, he drew out a bottle of lube. Followed by a pair of handcuffs that had pink fluff on the inside but were made of solid steel. They could be fun.

“Time for your punishment. Put those hands behind your head.”

She slowly obeyed him. “Good girl.”

Would she ever become used to hearing those words from his lips? Somehow, she thought not.

“Gonna play with you but you cannot come. Understand? Come without permission and you’ll spend an hour in the corner tomorrow with a butterfly vibe on your clit and a plug up your ass.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic