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A bright smile flooded her face. Christ, he loved seeing her smile. “I’m not getting punished?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Oh.” She chewed her lip. “How am I getting punished then?”

“They’re three things you did wrong. Not communicating that you didn’t want the omelet. Lying about eating it. And skipping a meal to have candy instead. Five spanks for each transgression, so fifteen in total. Followed by fifteen minutes of corner time.”

Her mouth dropped open and then she gave him a pitiful look. “Isn’t the spanking enough, Daddy?”

“No. It is not.” And he was glad he’d added on the corner time. He thought that might be more of a punishment for her than the spanking since she’d have to stay still and silent. Not things she was good at.

“And you’ll give Daddy your candy stash.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Daddy, no!”

“I’ll make sure you don’t eat too much at one time.” He set her on the floor. Standing, he leaned down and helped her up. Then he gave her a sharp swat on the ass.

“Ouch! Are we starting my spanking now?”

“Nope. That’s an extra for saying you don’t deserve the things I bought you.”

“I don’t though. I’m only going to be here a short time. You shouldn’t have spent the money on me. Although I suppose you could keep them if you ever have another Little girl.”

The sadness in her face did strange things to his insides. He tried to harden himself against the feeling.

“There won’t be another girl after you. Never intended to have another one after Jacqui died.” He inwardly winced, knowing he could have worded that better.

But all she did was nod understandingly. “You sure you still want to do this with me? I get it if you don’t.”

“I don’t say or do things I don’t want to do.”

“If you want to stop, you’ll tell me?”

So he gave a sharp nod. “And if you want to stop, you’ll tell me.”

She smiled and nodded.

“What’s your safe word?”


“Good.” He took hold of her hand and led her over to one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Stay here. Gonna put the dog out. Don’t want him getting upset.”

Grabbing the dog, who was dressed in a top that had, I love my Mommy, written on it, he set him down out in the hallway. The puppy gave him a reproachful look as he shut the door.

He resisted the urge to apologize to him. Turning, he moved to the chair. Millie was right where he’d left her. Sitting on the seat, he patted his lap.

“Over you go.”


Oh hell.

Swallowing heavily, she looked at him nervously. He gave her a calm glance back.

“Do you think you don’t deserve this, baby doll?” he asked gently.

Okay, that wasn’t what she expected him to say. She’d almost thought he might grab for her, force her over his lap.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic