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She sensed him moving away. That was good. He should just leave her be. Suddenly the sofa was shifted. A gasp escaped her and she glanced up at him.

“What are you doing?” she asked

“You wouldn’t come to me, so I’m coming to you. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t deserve any of that stuff,” she whispered.

He sat facing her then reaching over, pulled her into his lap, wrapping his big arms around her. She wished she could just give in to the comfort he was offering.

“Why not?”

“I lied! I’m a terrible person and you should just send all this stuff back ‘cause I don’t deserve to be your temporary little girl.”

She’d lied? About what? Obviously, it was about something bad given her reaction.

He tensed, ready to push her away. He detested liars.

“I didn’t eat the omelet. I fed it to Mr. Fluffy instead. I’m sorry!” she wailed.

Wait. What?

That was the big lie? Not eating the omelet?

“Now you know I don’t deserve all these toys you bought me. I’m so sorry! You should send it all back as punishment. Or give it to a good Little girl.”

Dramatic little thing, wasn’t she? He thought it through for a moment. It wasn’t that big of a deal. But she did lie. And she had been sneaky. However, it wasn’t the end of the world either. There had to be a balance here.

He could scold her. But that didn’t seem like enough, not when she felt this guilty. He definitely wasn’t sending all of this back.

“Well?” she cried, drawing away to look up at him.


“Are you going to send all this back? Or are you . . . are you going to send me away?”

Send her away? Was she insane?

Gently, he grasped her chin, tilting her face up. “I would never send you away. You did something naughty. But you didn’t betray me. You didn’t hurt anyone. This stuff stays. And you’re definitely staying. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Have you eaten anything?”

She sniffled. “A Twizzler and some M&Ms I had in my bag.”

He frowned. “That isn’t breakfast food. Skipping meals isn’t allowed.”

“I know. You really won’t give my toys to some better-behaved Little girl who deserves them?”

“I have a good Little girl who deserves them right here.”

She heaved a sigh. “I’m really not, Daddy.”

“You made a mistake. You’re still good.”

“So I gets to keep them all?”


Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic