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“If you stay there, you’re out of trouble. Don’t move.” He gave her a firm look then disappeared out of the kitchen. With a sigh, she sat there. What was he doing? Where were the packages?

She’d just slipped off the counter when he walked back in. Drat. “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere, Daddy.” She gave him her best innocent look.

“What did I tell you to do?” He gave her a stern look.

“Stay put.”

He took hold of her hand. “Need to start tying you down to get you to stay put.”

“Daddy!” she said with a mock gasp of horror. “That’s illegal.”

He gave her a sharp slap on her ass that made her squeal and glare at him.

He led her down to the study. As he opened the door, his phone rang.

“Go in. No touching.”

She walked in to find some boxes in the middle of the room.

Movement caught her eye and she saw Mr. Fluffy jump off Spike’s desk to one of the boxes. He must have used them to climb up there. Cheeky monkey.

“Mr. Fluffy, you shouldn’t be in here.”

He waddled over to her and she picked him up, scratching his belly. His very full belly.

Guilt flooded her. She shouldn’t have fed him that whole omelet.

Bad puppy mama.

Bad Little girl.

Her shoulders hunched. How awful was Spike going to feel when he heard what she’d done? And after he’d bought her all this stuff? She didn’t deserve it. Not any of it.

Setting Mr. Fluffy down, she crawled behind the sofa and sat there, her legs pressed to her chest, her arms wrapped around them.

Bad Millie.

“Millie? Where are you?” Spike’s confused voice called out. “Playing hide and seek?”

No. Although that sounded like a lot of fun. She could have been doing that, if she hadn’t been so naughty. Spike was so good to her.

And she was awful.

His face popped over the edge of the sofa. “Found you.”

She buried her face in her knees.

“Come out?”

She shook her head. Nope. She wasn’t ready to face him yet.

“What happened?”

She shrugged. Speaking was beyond her right now. She wished she had Chompers. She needed the comfort.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic