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She sighed. “I guess. I’ve always loved animals. My grandma wasn’t a fan, but grandad always helped with all the strays that I brought home.”

She had a big heart. That much was clear. He knew he should bring up Steele’s plan. Tell her that ink hadn’t found anything, but he wanted her to be worry free for a while.

That stuff could all wait until tomorrow.


Millie sat on the bathroom counter, watching as Spike filled up the bath.

When was the last time someone ran her a bath?

Hmm. She guessed when she was young, but she couldn’t remember. Spike had sat through The Secret Life of Pets one and two without complaining. She’d even gotten some popcorn and some chocolate. Although she’d had to drink another bottle of fairy juice.

It surprised her how easily she had slipped into Little space with him. She was holding back a bit though, waiting to see exactly how much he wanted. She knew that all of her was probably too much. No matter what he said, she knew he wouldn’t want someone who was too needy. Or too emotional. Or too loud.


So she just had to gauge how much he was comfortable with and give him that.

Last thing she wanted was to scare him away. And since they were only going to be together for a short time, she knew she could easily hide those parts of herself.

Much as she might wish this didn’t have an expiration date, she knew it was a good thing. She was batting way out of her league. No way was a country bumpkin who sewed her own clothes, was clumsy as hell and had a terrible habit of blurting out her thoughts, be good enough for him.

He’d used her bubble bath to make it nice and sudsy, at least. So that would cover her up.

“Don’t think I’m gonna like those thoughts, am I, girl?”

No, she didn’t think so either. She bit her lip in consternation. He strode over to her, placing his hands on the counter on either side of her. He leaned in to whisper into her ear. Christ, he’d picked up awfully quickly how much that turned her on.

“Know what I’m tempted to do?”

She shook her head. Nope. But she was certain he would soon tell her.

“I’m tempted to make you go naked for a day. I’d take you into my office. Have you lie on my desk with your legs spread wide and when I needed to play, you’d be right there for me to feast on.”

He wouldn’t.

Would he?

Her breath sped up at that thought.

Drawing back, he stared into her eyes. His eyes were wicked. And filled with heat and promise.

“Oh, you like that idea.”

The being naked part would suck ass. But the being feasted on part?

Yeah, she could probably get behind that.

“Christ, woman. What are you doing to me? I’m like a fucking horny teenager when it comes to you.”

“Sorry?” She bit her lip to hold back a smile.

His look told her that he thought she was full of shit.

“Daddy might just have to spank you for teasing him.” He started unzipping her onesie. She held herself still and forced herself not to stop him.

“That’s not fair. I didn’t do anything wrong!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic