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“I’m setting something up to see if we can figure out the traitor. Someday soon, I’m going to need Millie at Pinkies to point out this guy.”

“Don’t want her leaving the house.”

And not just because of the risk to her.

“Nobody will get to her in here,” Steele promised. “If I find the traitor I can go after Luther.”

Fuck it.

“I’ll talk to her.”

“Talk to her, huh? Hmm, you do that.”

Spike rolled his eyes. Steele wasn’t the type to ask. He demanded. But he’d never been with a woman for longer than a weekend. He didn’t get that there was a time to make commands and a time to be flexible. While he’d never allow Millie to be in danger or put her health at risk, Spike knew he couldn’t make all the decisions for her.

And if he could, then Steele would be disappointed because he’d order her ass to stay at home.

Being a Daddy gave him more control. But she wasn’t his Little 24/7. At the end of the day, she always had the ultimate control. He thought that Steele hadn’t ever entered into anything more with a woman because he’d never found one he’d be willing to compromise for.

Or maybe Steele hadn’t found someone who would be willing to give him all of her. To allow him as much control as he needed to function.

Fuck it. It wasn’t his life.

“I’ll set it up.” Steele ended the call. Spike had been watching the camera feed the whole time, satisfied to see she was drinking her fairy juice.

That reminded him. He quickly went online and ordered the toys she’d put in the cart. He added some more things as well. Stuff he thought she might like. Then he moved over to an online age play and apparel shop that he’d heard about from Ink.

Hmm. He ordered a bottle. Just in case. He spotted a pacifier with a dinosaur on it. That went in the cart. There were also some damn cute panties that he thought would be perfect for her. Satin with bows. Others with ruffles. An adorable romper set went in too. And a form-fitting onesie in pale yellow with pictures of puppies on it and a snap crotch.

There was a ballerina outfit as well. He remembered what she’d said about liking to dance and sing.

She’d also told him that she made her own clothes. If it took them awhile to find this Devil’s Sinners jerk, then maybe he should get something for her to do when she wasn’t in Little space. But was ordering a sewing machine taking things too far? She wouldn’t be here for long.

He didn’t want to send the wrong message.

Fuck it. He did a bit of research to find the one with the best reviews then he ordered it. He forced himself to do some work even though all he wanted was to return to her. He should stay away from her for a while. Give them both some space.

But she’d been ill and she was injured, so he shouldn’t leave her too long. Having justified his need to be around her, he returned to the living room. Mr. Fluffy was asleep on her lap. He saw with surprise that she’d drunk all the water.

“I drunk it all!”

“You sure did, baby doll.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “That deserves a reward.”

There was a flash of heat in her gaze, which filled him with satisfaction. However, that wasn’t what he’d meant.

“Not that, baby doll.” He tapped her nose. “How about a movie date? Popcorn. Your choice of movie. Might even find some chocolate.”

“That sounds great.” She clapped her hands. Mr. Fluffy didn’t even flinch.

“Never known a dog to sleep that much.”

“Do you think I should take him to the vet?” she worried.

“Maybe. He should go anyway. There’s shots he likely needs.”

Her face dropped. “I’m a bad puppy mama.”

“You’ve had a lot going on. And you found him in an alley, you’re taking care of him, not everyone would do that.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic