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“Teasing him is naughty. But I didn’t say this would be a punishment spanking.”

Oh? Ohh.

She swallowed heavily as he drew her arms free, then pulled the onesie down to reveal her full breasts. The nipples were hard and she fully expected him to lean in and lick them or touch them. But he grabbed her around the waist, slipping her off the counter so he could crouch in front of her and draw down the onesie.

“Hold onto my shoulders while you step out,” he commanded.

Probably a wise idea. She’d been known to trip and fall while getting dressed. Then she found herself standing in front of him, only wearing a pair of panties.

He reached for the top of her panties, slowly pulling them down. She swore she heard him groan, but he didn’t say anything and his touch didn’t linger.

When she was completely naked, he sat back on his heels and ran his gaze over her. She covered up her tummy and pussy, feeling exposed.

“Hands to your side,” he commanded.

“Can I get in the bath?”

“No. Not yet. Daddy’s not finished looking. Turn around and grasp hold of the counter and bend over. Legs spread.”

Crap. Crap. Crap.

She knew he could see everything. Could likely see her pussy lips glistening in arousal.

“Fucking beautiful. Never seen an ass more beautiful than this. Makes me wonder what it’s gonna be like to see my handprint on it.”

She squealed as he smacked his hand on her right cheek. Then he did the same to her left.


“Yep. Fucking beautiful. Christ, woman, the things you do to me.”

He stood up behind her, grabbing her hips and her imagination went straight to what it would be like to have him enter her. To thrust deep inside her while she watched in the mirror.

Holy. Hell.

“And these breasts. Fucking amazing.” He reached around and cupped each breast. “Straighten. Watch yourself.”

She couldn’t do anything but stand there, transfixed as his large hands cupped her breasts. He lightly twisted her nipples and her heart raced. She leaned back against him.

“Look how pretty you are. Face flushed. Eyes sparkling with arousal. Too. Fucking. Much.”

He pressed her hair to one side and kissed his way down her neck. “Creamy skin. Smell so good. Eat you up.” The words were mumbled between the kisses he laid on her skin. But she heard him. A shiver ran through her.

“Spike,” she groaned.

“I know, woman. Feel it too.” He leaned back and slapped her ass again.

“Hey!” She reached back to rub the offending spot. “Why?”

“Like I said, teasing me. Supposed to be getting you clean and you’re distracting me.”

She was distracting him? Was he insane? If anyone was doing the distracting it was him.

“You got any hair ties? Or you want me to wash your hair?”

“It takes too long to dry. I’ve got some in my toilet bag.” She reached for the bag on the counter and drew some out, raising her hands to tie back her hair. But he held out his hand and she gave him a curious look.

“Give them to me. Please.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic