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Spike groaned. Ink was cheerful. Fucker had been that way ever since meeting Betsy. Oh, he could still be a shit. He still liked to stir the pot with Reyes, only now he did it with a grin on his face.

It was sickening.

“Ink,” he warned.

“Got nothing. Sent guys out to where we know the Devil’s Sinners hang out. No one matching the description of this asshole.”


He wanted this guy found. The threat to Millie taken care of.

Only then, you’ll have no excuse to keep her here, will you?

He pushed that thought aside.

“Thanks, man.”

“We’ll keep on it. You heard anything about the fire at Senior’s warehouse on the docks?”


“Hmm. You don’t think Reyes . . .”

What? Would organize that? He didn’t think so. But then he wasn’t sure.

“He’d tell us.”

Would he, though? Reyes could be secretive as shit.

He ended the call. He needed to get out there and talk to people. He had contacts in the underground that Ink didn’t. When it came to finding out information, Spike was good. Maybe only Grady was better.

But he couldn’t leave Millie here alone. His place was secure, but nothing was completely foolproof. Well, maybe that bunker Reyes talked of. But he couldn’t see him leaving her there.

Steele’s place is pretty secure.

Yeah, but he wasn’t taking her near that fucker without being present himself. He’d seen the light of interest in Steele and Grady’s eyes. No way he’d hand her over on a platter to them.

Ink’s place? It was secure too.

But that didn’t feel right. No, he’d wait a bit longer, see if Ink or Steele found this asshole.

He called Steele next.

The other man answered quickly. “Spike.”


“How is the lovely Millie?”

“She’s fine,” he said shortly.

“Good. Hope you’re taking care of her.”

“Stop the bullshit. You found him yet?” Spike snapped.

“I have not,” Steele said darkly. Spike knew that had to be pissing him off. That this asshole had gotten into the club, then escaped under his watch. Steele didn’t let stuff like that slide. “But I will.”

“Millie’s been asking what we’re going to do about Luther.” She was sweet to worry about the threat to him, but he could take care of himself. However, he didn’t like the idea of Luther starting up where his father had left off.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic