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“If you give an evil laugh, I’m so out of here.”

“Got it. No evil laughing.”

“How did I not know you are insane?” she asked.

“How did I not know you’re a brat? Who still hasn’t answered me.”

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Just so you know, these spanks aren’t part of your punishment,” he murmured.

“What?” She tried to turn her head to look at him.

“Oh no. These are because you’re still not answering me.”

She groaned. “Fine. I felt odd. Like I wanted you to keep going. Like there was something inside me that had been locked down that wanted out. At the same time, I didn’t want you to keep going because I didn’t want to let that part out. Because I didn’t know how to rein it back in.”

He paused, thinking that over. Sounded like the spanking had been getting through her emotional walls, which had scared her.


“Thank you for telling me. It was naughty of you not to tell me that in the first place, but I get that you didn’t know me well. Now that you know me better, I won’t allow you to hold back. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now, it’s a count of twenty.”

He smacked his hand down on her bare ass, loving the way her white skin instantly pinkened. Did it make him weird to enjoy this? Maybe. But fuck, he was in a building full of weirdos then, right?

He moved to her other cheek. Back and forth. Her ass turned a delicious shade of red. And he was so fucking hard, he thought he might explode.

A low groan left her around smack number fifteen. She started to grow limp beneath him. He gave her the last few spanks. Quick and heavy. Then he took a moment to take in his handiwork before moving her so she was sitting on his lap rather than over it. She hissed, shifting around but he kept her against him. He wanted her to feel the heat in her ass while he spoke to her.

“Show me those beautiful brown eyes,” he murmured.

She sniffled and when she raised her gaze to his, he noted the sheen of tears in her eyes. What would it take to get her to actually cry?

“How are you feeling Betsy?”


“Tell me.”

“Like I want to beg you to keep going.” She rubbed at her chest. “And threaten to remove your balls if you touch me again.”

She surprised a bark of laughter from him. “Maybe we should steer away from option number two. Quite fond of my balls. Hope you will be too. Eventually.”

She took in a deep, shuddering breath and let it out slowly. “I have never felt like this…almost out of control.”

This was her nearly out of control? Jesus, she was still so composed that those tears didn’t dare spill from her eyes.

Was he a monster if he wanted to push her until she did? Until she sobbed? Until she told him every dark secret hiding in her depths?

Maybe. Or maybe it was just a sign of how much he damn well cared about her.

He ran his hand through her hair then pressed her face against his chest. “Good girl for telling me the truth about how you feel.”

Moving his hand, he placed it on her chest, just feeling her heartbeat, knowing she was all right.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic