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“That’s my girl. My good girl. You’re all right. You’re safe. You’re here with me. Nothing bad is going to happen while you’re in my arms.”

With each word he uttered, she grew more and more relaxed until he wondered if she’d actually fallen asleep.

“Brown eyes?”

“Yeah?” she murmured.

“We’re gonna have to leave the room soon. Do you want to finish for the night? Go home and get some rest?”

She shot up so fast that the top of her head banged into his chin.

“Motherfucking Christ!”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. Oh no. Oh no. Are you all right? Ink?”

He rubbed his chin, closing his eyes. “I’m fine. Shit, babe, you pack a punch.”

To his shock, soft lips brushed across his chin. She placed light kisses over his jaw. Was she kissing it better?

He opened his gaze, staring down at her incredulously. She gazed up at him, a flush of embarrassment on her cheeks.

“Sorry I hurt you.”

“Hmm, I’m not. Not if that’s the way you make it all better.” He winked at her and she dropped her gaze, but not before he saw a hint of a smile.

“Eyes on me.”

She sighed. “I thought Doms wanted subs to keep their gazes lowered. Isn’t it a sign of respect or something?”

“I’m not one to do what everyone else does.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re meant to be my mentor, you know.”

“Nobody ever said I’d be a good one.”

A soft look filled her eyes. “I don’t know. I think you’ve been pretty good.”

“Just good, huh? Am I only getting a B on the test?”

“Nah, I’ll give you a B+, although final grade isn’t in yet.”

“Brat.” He tapped his finger on her nose.

Her smile faded. “I don’t want to go home yet, Sir.”

“No? You’re not tired?”

She shook her head. “I haven’t had a chance to play yet.” She actually pouted. It was freaking, fucking adorable.


He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling. He tapped her lower lip. “Put that away, missy. It doesn’t work on me.”

She heaved a big sigh. “What would work? Bribery? Begging?”

“How about a kiss?” The words were out before he even knew he was going to say them. But before he could take it back, she leaned up and lightly pressed her lips against his.

He raised an eyebrow, looking down at her. Really? That was what she was giving him?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic