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“Too late, brown eyes.” He didn’t grab her wrists up in his. He just held her over his lap until she stopped wriggling around, trying to escape. Then he slowly raised her skirt. “You need to learn to answer Daddy when he asks you something. You’re getting twenty.”

She groaned.

He placed his hand on her ass, just letting her feel the weight and warmth of it through her ruffled panties.

“What did I tell you would happen the next time I spanked you, brown eyes?” he murmured.

She stiffened. “You wouldn’t?”

He felt safe grinning now. “Oh, I would.” He started lowering her panties. “Remember, you always have your safeword. I will honor it, even during a punishment.”

“Except I’ll get another punishment.”

“After we talk things through. If I deem it necessary.”

Jesus. She was wrapping him around her little finger.

You’re still in charge, man. Fucking act like it.

“Saying your safeword to get out of a punishment is bratty behavior that incurs more punishment on top of the original,” he explained. “Saying your safeword when you’re in true distress or discomfort is completely different.”

“I understand.”

“Good.” He drew the panties down, revealing her tight, small ass.


There was no way she wouldn’t be able to feel his erection pressing against her. And he was going to have to wait until he was home to damn well deal with it.

“Maybe I should have bought the panties that said, Spank me, Daddy. Hmm?”

“I don’t need those!”

“Don’t you? Because I think that you lied about how you felt about that last spanking. I don’t think you disliked it. I think you’re confused because you felt the opposite.”

“I didn’t like it! It hurt!”

“And how did you feel during it? After it? The truth, please.”

r /> “I…I…felt odd.”


He rubbed her ass as he talked. He wondered if she knew she was relaxing into his touch. She’d gone from flinching at the most innocent touch to practically purring in his arms as he massaged her butt.

Her gorgeous, fuckable butt.

Slap! He whacked his hand down on her right cheek.


“You’re not talking to me, brown eyes.”

“Oh drat. It’s hard to concentrate in this position, please can I get up?”

The request was asked in such a sweet, respectful voice. He might have felt regret at denying her, if he wasn’t enjoying every damn second of holding her over his lap like this.

“You asked so prettily, but I’m going to have to say no. I like having you like this. Bare. At my mercy.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic