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“I know, man. But she’s shut down. She’s basically unresponsive. I’d appreciate it if you could talk to her. I’ll take care of Madison.”

Shit. What kind of Dom did this make him? But Madison would recover easily, Betsy on the other hand…

“Christ. Fine. Just make sure Madison is taken care of.”

Relief filled Angus’s face. What was up with him?

“Of course.”

Ink crouched down in front of Madison. “Sweetheart, look at me.”

She raised her gaze to his.

“I’ve been called away. Angus is gonna find you someone else to play with.”

Disappointment filled her face before she quickly wiped it clean, nodding serenely. “Yes, Sir.”

He cupped her cheek. “Good girl.”

Standing, he nodded to Angus before making his way to the Littles’ room. Annoyance filled him. Couldn’t he fucking have a few minutes where he wasn’t taking care of this girl?

He paused outside the door, searching for some patience. It wasn’t easy.

It’s not her fault that Angus isn’t doing his job properly.

Besides, not like you were getting fuck all else done because you were too busy thinking about her.

He hit the buzzer. The door opened on an older woman. Angelique. The monitors must have changed.

“Ink?” she asked, surprised.

“I left a sub here earlier. Betsy. Angus asked me to come check on her.”

She blinked, looking more than a bit shocked. Then she frowned. “You know her?”

“I acted as her mentor last weekend,” he said. “A favor to Angus.”

“What is going on with that man lately?” she muttered.

Ink’s eyebrows rose.

“Sorry. He’s just acting strange. I’m just not sure why he’d choose you to be her…you know what, never mind.”

Had he just been insulted?

“Actually, it’s good you’re here. Apparently, she was doing okay when Logan was in here monitoring. Not interacting, but watching. But almost as soon as I came in, she shut down. The closer I try to get to her, the more she stiffens up.”

Sympathy filled the other woman’s gaze. “Do you happen to know if there’s any trauma in her past?”

Her voice was soft so it didn’t travel beyond the two of them. He appreciated the care she was showing for Betsy, but he wished she would get out of his way so he could get to her.

“No, I don’t. She hasn’t mentioned any triggers from her past. Can I see her?”

“Yes, of course.”

He stepped into the room, his gaze immediately searching her out. There was more of a crowd in here tonight. Around ten Littles, some with their Tops, some on their own. He saw Angelique’s two Littles off in one corner playing with each other. They shot Betsy worried looks.

She stood in the corner, her back against the wall, her eyes flitting around the room, unable to settle on one thing. Then her gaze moved to Angelique and she completely froze; she grew so tense he actually winced.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic