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Okay, that was far more than he thought she would tell him.

“It’s not something…I mean, I never thought I would want…I haven’t got toys. I don’t…I’ve never…”

“None of that means that you’re not a Little. Some slip easily into Little space. Some prefer to spend most of their time in Little space. Others find it harder. All the worries, the stresses that we feel as adults can be hard to put aside. But once you do, I’ve been told it’s freeing.”

“It sounds nice.” There was a hint of longing in her voice.

“There’s no right or wrong way to be, Betsy. But if it’s something that you are drawn to, would it really hurt to explore it?”

He liked that she stopped to think about it without giving an immediate answer.

“I suppose I could do that.”

“Brave girl. Come on, I’ll escort you to the Littles’ room. The monitor there will watch over you.”

She stiffened but then gave a nod.

“Words, brown eyes.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”


Fuck it.

God damn motherfucking crap.

He took a deep breath and looked down at the sub kneeling next to the spanking bench, waiting for his instruction. He should be giving her his full attention. He owed it to her.

Shit. He couldn’t scene with his mind on something else.

Someone else.

Someone who’d stared at him like he was abandoning her when he left her in the Littles’ room, under the watchful eye of a Daddy Dom monitor. She was safe. He needed to focus on taking care of the sub in front of him. They’d negotiated the scene already. Everything was set up.

Yet, he was standing here. Freaking useless.

“Ink?” A hand landed on his shoulder.

He started, pulling back into a defensive stance. Fuck! How had he managed to be so out of it that he hadn’t even heard someone approach?

Angus watched him warily, raising his hands out placatively. “Hey, man, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”

Ink scowled. What was the asshole playing at? Why would he come up to him like that? “What are you doing? What do you want?”

“Everything okay with Madison?” Angus nodded down to the sub. She hadn’t moved. She had too much discipline for that. She had plenty of experience.

And he had no interest in scening with her at all.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you going to scene with her? Because there’s a bit of an issue in the Littles’ room.”

Ink closed his eyes briefly. Of course there was. “I’m not her fucking Dom. I’m not even her mentor. That was a favor.”

One he was coming to regret.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic