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“There’s something about me that sets her off,” Angelique murmured to him. “As long as I don’t pay her any mind, she seems to be able to cope. But I made the mistake of trying to get close to her and I’d swear she nearly had a panic attack. I got Jasmine to approach her,” Jasmine was one of her subs, “but she couldn’t get her to speak much beyond telling Jasmine that she didn’t wish to leave. I’m not sure how to help her.”

“I’ll talk to her.” He moved slowly around the room towards Betsy. She didn’t react to him, her gaze remained on Angelique. Yeah, there was definitely something about her that set Betsy off.

“Betsy?” he called out quietly as he reached her.

She didn’t react.

“Betsy, look at me.” He made his voice firmer.

Still nothing.


As he watched her, he became aware of how rapidly she was breathing. A light sheen of sweat covered her brow and her fingers were pressed together so hard they were turning white.

If he wasn’t mistaken, she was on the cusp of a panic attack.


“Betsy.” He stepped in front of her, forcing her to see him. He didn’t want to touch her. She wasn’t entirely here and he wasn’t sure how she would react to a sudden touch.

“Betsy. Look at me.”

She startled, her gaze moving up to his eyes. She blinked.

“Who am I?”

Her brow wrinkled. “Ink.”

“Where are you, Betsy?”

More rapid breaths. Okay, something simpler.

“What’s your favorite color, brown eyes?”


Okay. That was unusual.

“What’s your favorite food?”


Her breathing was starting to ease. Her eyes cleared and some color returned to her cheeks. “Ink? I mean, Sir?”

Actually, he rather liked the sound of his name on her lips.

“That’s right. Do you know where you are, Betsy?” She looked around.

“No, focus on me,” he told her sternly. “Do you know where you are right now?”

“I’m at Fringe. In the Littles’ room.”

“Good girl,” he praised, watching as more tension eased from her shoulders. “Betsy, want to tell me what had you on the verge of a panic attack?”

She opened her mouth and he raised a hand. “Remember what I said about lying to me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic