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“Try?” Ink mocked.

“Enough. Have either of you actually asked Betsy what she wants?” Angus nodded his head down at Betsy.

“I don’t want to scene with him,” Betsy said clearly, nodding at Jeffries to make it extra crystal clear. “Sir.”

Angus nodded as though he’d expected that answer. “All right. Jeffries, you heard her. Go find another sub to play with. The rest of you can go back to what you were doing. Nothing to watch here.” As the crowd dispersed, Angus turned to Ink. He sighed.

“Could you not have handled Jeffries without making a huge scene?”

“Course I could have.”

Angus ran his hand over his face then turned his scowl on Betsy, who still clung to Ink. He wasn’t going to lie. He liked that she sought him out for protection.

“Girl, what were you doing wandering around on your own? Were you not told at the front desk to wait at the sub area? If you’d been there, then Jeffries wouldn’t have been able to approach you on his own. You’re supposed to have a club Dom handle negotiations for you.”

“I, umm, ahh…sorry?” It came out more of a question than an actual apology.

Ink snorted with amusement as Angus shook his head in exasperation.

“Were you told to go to the sub area?”

“Yes. Sir.”

“So you disobeyed a direct order given to you for your safety. Something you agreed to in your contract?”

“So you actually sat her down and went through the club rules then,” Ink asked. All humor had faded. He didn’t like Angus scolding her.

This possessiveness was odd. And completely misplaced.

“I did. She agreed to them. She just broke them.”

Ink knew where this was going.

“She needs to be punished.”


“I’ll do it,” Ink said, surprising himself.

He felt Betsy stiffen. She deserved this. She could have gotten into real trouble with Jeffries.

She needed to learn to obey.

Angus eyed him. “You sure? I know I asked you to step up last weekend, but you’re not a club Dom, I can go find someone else to watch over her. They can take care of her punishment.”

“Do I get a say in this?” Betsy asked.

“No,” both men answered together.

Angus watched Ink closely. “You seem like you’re on edge. Go find a sub to scene with. I’ll find someone else to do this.”

“You got a free club Dom who’s used to dealing with a Little?” Ink growled. Betsy let out a small gasp. It was a guess, of course. However she also wasn’t protesting.

Angus raised his eyebrows, looking genuinely surprised. “She’s a Little? She never said anything. She marked ‘no’ against anything related to age play.”

Ink glanced down at her. “She didn’t tell you that we visited the Littles’ room last weekend?”

“No, she did not.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic