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“Hmm, Betsy, did you lie to Angus when filling out your contract?” Ink asked.

“That’s more punishment if you did,” Angus rumbled.

“I…I didn’t. I’m not…I mean…I don’t think I am…” She took a deep breath, composing herself. “I don’t know, but I guess I’d like to explore things more.”

“Sounds like she didn’t deliberately hold anything back,” Ink told Angus who just nodded.

“Fine. You take care of the punishment for her disobeying the club rule. I want it to be in public so all the other subs know what happens if they run around, breaking the club rules. Are you going to help her explore her Little side?”

Ink stiffened. “Whoever is watching the Littles tonight would be better off helping her.”

Angus just grunted. “Fine. Punish her then leave her in the Littles’ area. With a stranger. If that’s what you really want.”

Angus turned and walked away, leaving him with Betsy.


This is not what he had come here for. Right now, he should have a sub tied up and writhing on a spanking bench or the cross, a crop in his hand, watching her ass turn red as he drove her higher and higher towards release.

He should not be about to punish a sweet, naïve sub who had no idea of her needs or desires. Who had nearly found herself with the worst Dom in the club.

He was angry with her for nearly ending up in Jeffries’s hands. It wasn’t entirely fair. She didn’t know Jeffries. Didn’t know what he was capable of.

Then again, if she’d followed the rules, she wouldn’t have found herself in that situation.

So yeah, she needed to be punished. If only to learn that the rules were there to keep her safe.

“Come,” he grunted at her.

She gave him a worried look. She should be worried. He was in a foul mood. He told himself it was because this was yet another delay she’d caused him and less about the fact that she’d been in trouble and if he hadn’t been here tonight…

Yeah, he didn’t want to think about that.

He paused as he realized she was following behind him. He glanced back at her. “Where are you supposed to be walking?”

“Sorry, Sir.”

He grunted and took her over to a bench that was laid against one wall. It was a place for people to sit and watch scenes or gather their breath. Sometimes it could be used for aftercare.

Right now, it suited his needs fine. It was dark enough that it gave an illusion of privacy. But still in public.

Turning to her, he crossed his arms over his chest as he glared down at her. “Do you know why you’re being punished, Betsy?”

“Um, because I didn’t go to the sub area when I first arrived?”

“That’s right. Why didn’t you?”

She chewed her lip. “I don’t really know.”

He sighed. “Lying is just going to get you more punishment.”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry.”

“I get that you’re new at this, that you’re maybe a bit confused and scared. But you have to understand that the rules are there to keep you safe. Jeffries preys on new subs. He uses their naivety against them. He gets off on causing pain and fear and he doesn’t care if that’s something you have agreed to or not. He was banking on the fact that you didn’t know enough of the rules to ask for someone to help you negotiate the scene. He’d have pushed and bullied you until you agreed to what he wanted. You understand what I’m saying? If I hadn’t come along when I did, right now you’d likely find yourself in a situation you didn’t want and didn’t know how to get out of.”

“But isn’t that what a safeword is for?”

“Yeah. But you can’t safeword with a gag in, right? There is safety in playing at a club, but there are ways around things if you know what you’re doing. And that sick bastard knows all the ways to get what he wants. Understand?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic