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Jeffries’ hands clenched into fists. This was it. Ink’s heartbeat picked up, his body warming. The fight he’d been waiting for. He didn’t care that it wasn’t the right place or time.

Then a small, cold hand landed on his arm, bringing him back to reality with a jolt.



She stepped closer to him. And the red haze of fury was drawn back from his gaze. He looked around him, saw everyone had paused and was staring at them.

Angus was stomping towards them; his face red. Ink wouldn’t have been surprised if puffs of smoke started coming out of his nostrils.

Betsy’s hand dug into his arm. Damn, he was probably terrifying her. She’d likely never been around violence in her life and here he was about to tear into another guy just because he wanted to scene with her.

Well, that wasn’t the real reason but she didn’t know that. She didn’t know what a complete prick Jeffries was and that he had this coming.

Or that Ink had been riding the edge of his control for weeks.

He let out a breath, and took a deliberate step back. He wrapped his arm around Betsy. She was still staring at the crowd, watching them all carefully. For what, he wasn’t sure.

Triumph filled Jeffries’ face. Stupid fucker thought that Ink was backing down?


“What the hell is going on here?” Angus was obviously trying to keep his voice quiet, but it still travelled to the nearest people. Anger flooded his face as he stared from Jeffries to Ink.

“Callahan is interfering in my scene negotiation with this sub,” Jeffries claimed.

Ink narrowed his gaze at the other man but didn’t say anything to refute it.

“Well?” Angus puffed, looking over at Ink.

“Well what?” he drawled.

“Are you trying to interfere in negotiations?” Angus asked impatiently.

“He needs to go find his own sub to play with,” Jeffries stated before Ink could speak. “We all know he’s always been jealous of me, that’s why he’s trying to take what’s mine.”

Ink growled, and letting go of Betsy, he stepped forward. A hand brushed against his. Cool, thin fingers tangled with his own.

“Betsy isn’t yours, you idiot.”

Jeffries snarled and Angus stepped between them. “Honest to fucking God, do you know how many scenes you two have disrupted? And over one fucking sub.” Angus glanced down at Betsy. Surprise filled his face.

Angus turned to Jeffries. “You were negotiating with her?”

“Yep.” Jeffries looked smug. Thought he’d won, had he?

“Betsy is new. She’s not allowed to negotiate on her own.”

“She didn’t tell me.” The words were almost like a whine.

“For God’s sake, Dean. You know very well that she’s new.” Angus sighed. “Could we at least try to pretend like we’re sane, rational people for a moment. You two are supposed to be expe

rienced Dominants. You’re supposed to show some control.” Angus turned to Ink. “Thought you were just acting as her mentor for one night?”

Ink shrugged. “Changed my mind.”

“Because I want her. And what I want, you try to take,” Jeffries goaded.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic