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She was also a little nervous.

“Shh.” He’d obviously felt her tense. “You’re ready for me. I’d never do anything that would hurt you.”

He placed a kiss on each butt cheek. She let out a small groan.

“Is my baby still sore here? After getting her naughty bottom spanked?”

Her clit throbbed at his words. He was lethal.


“Poor baby. I’m gonna make it all better. I’m going to put some pillows under your tummy,” he said, moving to grab some pillows from the top of the bed. They now had plenty. She had a thing for pillows and blankets and anything soft.

He raised up her tummy and had her bend her legs, giving him easy access to her ass and pussy.

She guessed this was why he’d insisted that she nap naked. He reached down under her, cupping her breast then plucking at the nipple. She groaned. Her pussy was already wet. She wanted him. Needed him.

He ran his hand down over her back and ass then moved so he was behind her, between her bent legs.

“This is a fucking gorgeous ass right here.” He gave it a light tap and she cried out then groaned as he rubbed the heat in.

“I wasn’t naughty.”

“No, but sometimes you like a bite of pain.”

Another smack. More rubbing. Oh hell. He was killing her. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. Another smack then he kissed along her red cheek, then down towards her pussy. She glanced over her shoulder, but he must have rolled onto his back because the next thing she knew, he was grasping her by the hips and pulling her pussy down to his mouth so he could feast.

Holy hell!

She whimpered. Moaned. She’d come close to orgasm then he’d back away until she was a mess, begging him to let her come.

“Soon, baby,” he soothed.

The bed moved as he climbed off to grab the lube from the bedside table. She watched him as he squirted some onto his hand then rubbed it over his firm dick.

She licked her lips, wishing she could have had a taste first. Leaning over, he kissed her. Hard. Hot. Fast. “Hold that thought until tonight. We don’t have time right now.”

Then he disappeared behind her once again. She turned to watch as he knelt between her open legs and reached for the plug. She turned back around, her eyes closing in pleasure as he twisted the plug, playing with her before he drew it out.

Slowly. Ever so s


He loved to torture her.

She felt empty without the plug and she wriggled around with a whimper of displeasure.

“Shh, baby. I’m going to take care of you.” He parted her ass cheeks, the head of his cock nudging at her back entrance. “Relax for me. Good girl. That’s it, just relax. Fuck, yes.” He slid inside her. She’d been open from the plug and still slick with lube.

There was a pinch of pain as he pushed through tight muscle but the feeling of fullness that followed, the way her nerve endings danced to life soon overwhelmed everything else. She groaned with pleasure as he sunk deep.

“Damn, baby. Feels so damn good. Brown eyes, don’t move. You don’t know how close I am to coming. Shit, it’s embarrassing.”

“Please. Please. Feels so good. Need to come.” She wriggled around, trying to find friction for her clit, but he held her steady. Then he drew out. Back in.

Oh God. It was too much. She couldn’t take it.

He increased his speed.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic