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“Yes, you were. You weren’t listening to Daddy when he told you to tidy up.”

“This isn’t fair.” With a pout, she stomped her foot on the floor.

“Button, you’re being very naughty. Not only did you ignore Daddy, but now you’re throwing a tantrum over being punished? That’s five minutes in time out and ten over my knee. Now turn around.”

She folded her arms but turned with a huff. He grabbed hold of her Tinkerbell leggings and dragged them down along with her Care Bear panties.

“You know the position you should be in,” he warned.

With a sigh, she pushed her legs apart and leaned her face into the wall with her bare ass pushed out.

Ink ran a hand over her ass. “I know you haven’t had much Little time. Once the boys’ bedrooms are built that will all change. But obviously you need some more care and attention than you’ve been getting. So for the next week, your bedtime is nine. You’ll say good night, go upstairs, get ready for bed. You’ll put on a nightgown, but no panties, and lean over the end of the bed and wait for me to come up and spank you.”

“Daddy, you can’t do that! Just because I didn’t want to do corner time!” She turned to glare at him.

“No, because you haven’t had enough Little time and you need it. And so do I. After your spanking, I’ll read you a story and cuddle you and put you to bed.”

“Couldn’t we just do that without the spanking?”

“I think not. Unfortunately, I believe there’s lots of naughty things you’re getting away with that I’m missing.”

“Daddy! It’s not fair!”

“I can make it two weeks,” he growled.

“A week is fine! I can do a week!”

“Good. Now quiet.”

She stood in the corner, silently fuming. But she soon lost the tension and irritation. He was right, she did need this. Missed it. Needed to feel close to him like this. When he finally called her over, she was full of contrition.

She shuffled over to where he sat on the sofa.

Standing between his open legs, she lowered her head with a sniffle. “I’m sorry for being naughty, Daddy.”

“Hey, come here.” He lifted her onto his lap. “Little girls can’t be good all the time. And do you know what you being naughty means to me?”

“No? What?”

“It means you feel safe. You feel safe to be yourself. To act out. Because you know I’d never hurt you.”

He was right. She always felt safe with him.

“But that doesn’t mean you don’t get punished. Now, over my lap. The count is ten.”

Ink helped her roll over until she was laying across his lap, her legs resting on the sofa, her arms out in front of her. He started in immediately, peppering her bare ass with firm swats of his hand. Soon she was wriggling, trying to get away, but he held her tight against him.

Keeping her safe.


Betsy woke up as she felt a kiss brush the back of her neck. A shiver of delight worked its way through her.

He brushed her hair to one side and kissed his way down to between her shoulder blades. She’d decided to nap on her tummy today. Because her bottom was sore after her spanking and because she had a huge piece of plastic lodged in her butt.

“Time to wake up, brown eyes,” he murmured, running his tongue down her back. He drew the blankets off as he moved. “Otherwise, we won’t have time for some fun before picking up the boys.”

Her breathing quickened. She was more than ready. He’d been teasing her forever. And she loved when he took her while she was plugged.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic