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“Damn, baby. Fuck!”

He reached around, finding her clit. She let out a small cry. About time! Her arousal grew, her orgasm was so close. He was pounding into her now.

More! More!

And then she shattered. Came with an explosion that forced the breath from her body. She barely heard his own roar of release as she collapsed to the bed, her entire body shaking.

“Fuck, baby.”

He slid free from her ass and she whimpered at the loss. But he lay on his back next to her then pulled her onto his chest, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

“Nearly killed me,” he muttered.

She managed to raise her head, looking down at him. “Think we can get someone else to pick up the boys?”

He grinned. “And what do you want to use as an excuse?”

“Death by orgasm.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Betsy looked out at the house through the windshield.

It was enormous. White and three stories high. Set back off the road with a circular driveway. It screamed wealth. It was a house Mama would have been proud of.

Of course, Mama had only cared about appearances. Betsy knew she wouldn’t have approved of the life she’d chosen. She was living with a biker who was also her Dom and Daddy. Last night, she’d gone to Reapers. Sunny and Jewel had been there as well. They’d managed to create a small dance floor, much to Reyes’ horror.

She’d never been to a bar like Reapers before. It had been dark, loud and filled with rough bikers. And she’d had the time of her life.

“You want to go in, Ma?” Royal leaned forward from the backseat.

When Ink had told her that they had found her father and that he lived here, she’d been shocked. She’d often wondered what she would do if she found him. What she would say. It seemed now she had the chance.

Except…what did she really want to say? To ask him why he’d left? To tell him about the hell he’d left her in? What would that even achieve?

“I say we go in there and tell him what an asshole he is,” Baron said in a cold voice.

She shook her head. They were all in Ink’s truck. It was Sunday and they were on their way to Sunny and Duke’s for a barbeque. She held a large bowl of potato salad she’d made on her lap.

“Brown eyes?”

She looked over at Ink, took in his gorgeous face. Then she turned to look at Baron and Royal.

No, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.

“I don’t need to go inside. That man in there isn’t my family. My family is right here.” She turned back to Ink. “And they’re all I ever need.”

Ink winked at her and pulled the truck back onto the road. Baron had his phone linked up to the Bluetooth system.

A familiar song came on. She frowned, wondering where she’d heard it before.

“What song is that?” she asked, turning to look back at Baron.

He shrugged, glancing down at his phone. “Sunshine by Aerosmith. It’s kind of a weirdly addictive song about Alice in Wonderland.”


“What is it?” Ink reached over and grasped her hand in his.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic