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“I’m not getting a shot.”

“It’s just a little needle,” Ink told her.

Spike, Razor and Duke groaned.

“What?” He looked over at them both.

“How can he be that clueless?” Spike asked Duke.

“No fucking idea.”

“Just a little needle? Are you kidding me?” Betsy spluttered, glaring up at him.

Sunny stood, her hands on her hips as she scowled down at Ink. “That is not a little needle. That thing is huge.”

“Like to see you have it poked into your skin,” Betsy said.

Ink sighed. “Hack has used needles bigger than that on me when I’ve been injured.”

Ink watched as her big brown eyes filled with tears. “When were you injured? What happened? Were you shot?”

Okay, how the heck had they gone from talking about a needle to her looking like she was going to lose it over his past injuries?

“Way to calm her down, man,” Hack grumbled at him.

“I don’t even know what I did,” he said bewildered.

Duke came over and crouched down in front of Betsy. “Betsy, I know the needle looks scary, but I can guarantee that once you have it, you’re gonna feel a whole lot better. Bet your arm is really hurting you, but Hack will make it all better. Okay? And if you’re a good girl and let Hack do what he needs to, I’m betting that Ink will let you have some ice cream.”

It dawned on him then what was going on. Idiot. Right now wasn’t the time to be all rational and shit. Betsy was hurting. And he was trying to treat her like she should be sensible and shit.

He used his free arm to grasp hold of her chin so that she wouldn’t see what Hack was doing and turned her face around towards him. He whispered because Baron and Royal weren’t far away. Although neither of them seemed phased by the conversation. “A big bowl of ice cream. What flavor would you like, button?”

She let out a cry as the needle entered her arm and they all flinched except for Hack. Even Spike who was standing near the door.


“Squeeze my hand, Betsy. You’re doing so well,” Duke told her, grabbing hold of her good hand.

“Just watch me, button. What flavor ice cream would you like?”

“Chunky monkey,” she replied. “With sprinkles.”

“I’ve got another jab to give her. In the butt. She gets sprinkles if she takes that one as well,” Hack said.

“I’ll go get it. Boys, want to come get some too?” Spike asked Royal and Baron. Royal got up but Baron didn’t move.

“I’m all right, Baron,” she said, trying to be brave.

He nodded and left the room.

“He didn’t speak the entire time you were gone,” Duke told Ink.

“We’ll keep an eye on him,” Ink replied.

Hack began to ready the needle to stitch up her arm. His poor baby, she was shaking.

“Can I have a drink?” she asked.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic